Though not scientific, the results are encouraging, and fairly consistent with the scientific polls I've seen. Here's how it breaks down as of now:There are 10425 responses, suggesting that more than just "railfans" are participating.
65% support funding Amtrak. 35% don't support funding, a number which is roughly equal to the number of respondents who said they have never used Amtrak (31%).
The numbers may be skewed somewhat towards Amtrak users, but I find it interesting that the vast majority of respondents have used the service at one time or another. Amtrak may account for a small percentage of total passenger trips, but evidently a substantial portion of the population uses it at least occasionally. I find that significant.
"Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience." -- Hyman Rickover
The Del Monte Club Car