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Author Topic: Hoped for service to Maine
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Icon 1 posted 03-03-2001 07:10 AM      Profile for WalterK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Since first seriously floated as a service of Amtrak, the route into Maine has yet to appear. It appears that that Guilford has made it a part of the corporate mission to block the service but still trying to make it look like they are the good guys. Oh, and taking any other benefits they can along the way.

Recently, it was announced that with the millions in upgrades to the Guilford tracks nearing completion the start of the long awaited service to Portland would start May 1st.

Once again, barely a week after the announcement, Guilford has raised "questions" that will delay the startup of service. But they benefit from the upgrades in the meantime.

I for one want to get to Portland, what do you think?

Posts: 4 | From: Brooklyn, NY, USA | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
John Toth
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Icon 1 posted 03-03-2001 07:40 AM      Profile for John Toth     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Walter, I "feel" your pain as well as many others.

Here in Pennsylvania we have been waiting (and WAITING) for a train called the Skyline to initiate service between Philly and Chicago.

Amtrak even put the SCHEDULE for the train in the last timetable---having NO idea exactly WHEN service would initiate !!! Does that make sense ?

The train would have to use track owned by Norfolk Southern. Well, it seems Amtrak's hopes of initiating another passenger train on their tracks was "premature"---N/S wants NO part of it. N/S says their tracks are ALREADY too "full" of Amtrak trains. Thus negotiations ti start the new train are "stalled" indefinitely. This can be "translated" to mean that N/S wants MUCH more MONEY than Amtrak is wiling to offer.

If I was a betting man, I 'd bet that the schedule for the Skyline will STILL remain in the spring timetable----even though its chances of EVER initiating are very, very, SLIM.

So DO NOT get "excited" if Amtrak POSTS the schedule for the Portland train in the spring timetable. That does NOT mean service will initiate anytime soon !!!

I suspect the schedule for the train WILL be listed , with a little "side-note" that says: SERVICE TO INITIATE AT A FUTURE DATE or at a DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED."

In other words , DON'T hold your breath.

Personally, I can not understand WHY Amtrak does this. For pity sake, WHY announce a train and actually POST its schedule in the timetable WITHOUT really knowing if/when the service will ever initiate.

Agree ??

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Icon 1 posted 03-03-2001 10:40 AM      Profile for lakeshorelimited     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Thanks for your insight on my post.. I appreciate it. I for one, would love to see service to Maine. I was very excited to read about it, and things looked very optimistic until Guilford started complaining. Maybe it's just me not understanding how freight lines work, but I don't see what the big deal is if they allow a few passenger trains on their tracks, considering the benefits they received (the millions of dollars in upgrades paid by the state.) It's really sad that so much Amtrak service is at the mercy of these companies. I was hoping to ride the inaugural trip on the Downeaster, but I guess that will have to wait!!
Posts: 140 | From: Albany, NY | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted 03-03-2001 10:42 AM      Profile for lakeshorelimited     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
i didnt mean to post this twice

[This message has been edited by lakeshorelimited (edited 03-03-2001).]

Posts: 140 | From: Albany, NY | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 12 posted 03-05-2001 08:35 PM      Profile for DC2001     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
After all the excitement about the new Amtrak services, we have yet to see most of them. I would hope that any train listed in the timetable - Maine and the Skyline Connection - is closer to being inaugurated than those that exist only in planning documents, but this now looks like wishful thinking. For whatever reason, Guilford continues to stall. No matter now strongly they oppose the trains, surely by this point the project has gone too far to derail, and eventually Guilford will have to accept Amtrak on it's rails (at 79 mph, too).
I'm curious about one thing. I read a proposal recently (can't remember what website) for a Washington-Roanoke (Va.)-Bristol (Va./Tn.) train. Supposedly, Virginia selected Amtrak as the operator because then Norfolk Southern could not refuse to permit the service. I assume, in the Skyline case, they aren't refusing outright - negotiations are just stalled. Still, incomplete negotiations really amount to a denial of service (maybe we just found Guilford's strategy)!

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Mr. Toy
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Icon 1 posted 03-07-2001 01:49 AM      Profile for Mr. Toy   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I'm observing this discussion from the Left Coast, and it stands in contrast to what is going on here. I just read a news story that said the state of California has unveiled a $10 billion 20 year plan for funding rail projects. Just a few years ago the state was thinking of eliminating the three trains on the Capitol Corridor. Now they're up to nine and aiming for one every hour. Similarly in the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washignton are beginning to expand trains afer years of government indifference.

Now that has me wondering: How agressive are the state governments in your corner of the nation? Is it that the Union Pacific is more cooperative here, or are the western states taking a more forceful position (politically and financially) than they are there? Perhaps you might look to the west for inspiration.

BTW if anyone wants a copy of the aforementioned article on the California plan e-mail me and I'll pass it on.

Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth.
-Mr. Toy

Posts: 2649 | From: California's Monterey Peninsula | Registered: Dec 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 10 posted 03-11-2001 10:59 AM      Profile for rails     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
the downeastener will begin running this summer at 59mph


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Icon 8 posted 03-19-2001 05:17 PM      Profile for CVFAN     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
This all reminds me of when Amtrak was forced to suspend the Montrealer because of poor track conditions over a portion of the Conn River line owned by Guilford. Amtrak bought the line then sold it to The Central Vermont who upgraded the line and the Montrealer was put back into service.Guilford continues to prove itself to care more about owning real estate than running a railroad.
Posts: 32 | From: Florence,MA.USA | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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