Amtrak's vision is shortsighted By James "J.R." Cumby Director, Yardmaster Department One would think Amtrak management would focus on its own failures as documented by DOT's inspector general.
Indeed, a congressional committee in March focused on Amtrak's failure to have a mission statement, its lack of financial disclosures to the public, absence of a cost-control strategy, rampant deferred maintenance, inefficient operations and a route system that ignores passenger demands. Incredibly, Amtrak management is blind to its own failures and prefers to whack jobs that have everything to do with efficient operations, passenger safety and national security.
Blanking yardmaster positions in high-density Northeast Corridor yards is much like eliminating traffic cops at rush hour. Seeking to eliminate the position of assistant conductor is much like eliminating sentries around sensitive military installations.
The more the management revolving door at Amtrak spins, the more Amtrak itself twists in the wind without moving an inch forward.
Freight railroads continue to delay Amtrak trains even though the law demands Amtrak be given priority handling. What does Amtrak management do? Nothing, as all we hear from Amtrak management is it wants to eliminate more yardmasters and lop off assistant conductors.
As employee morale deteriorates to levels so low that many don't care if the system survives, Amtrak management still buries its head in the sand, playing the same long-disgraced tune of eliminate employees and all will take care of itself.
What a disgrace.
April 5, 2006
-------------------- Matt Marderosian Director Of Save Our Trains Michigan www.saveourtrainsmichigan