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» RAILforum » Passenger Trains » Amtrak » Reality check?

Author Topic: Reality check?
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Icon 9 posted      Profile for RRRICH     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
This just occurred to me as I was mowing my lawn -- even though Mr. Gunn pledged that, if AMTRAK were to shut down, it would be a COMPLETE shutdown, not just certain parts of the system -- if the AMTRAK Bd of Directors has the final say as to whether a shutdown will or will not take place, how likely is it that they will succumb to political pressure to shut down everything EXCEPT the NE Corridor (can you say "Michael Dukakis"?)
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Gilbert B Norman
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By my reporting on the Mc Laughlin Group segment on the "Amtrak Crisis" thread, I think the chance of any kind of shutdown is nil. Good heavens, the reported cost of shutting down, opening up on Oct 1 (new FY) and securing the property for those three months is $70 million itself.

OK, but what if....

If all passenger trains that have anything to do with Amtrak (Amtrak T&E, MofE, trackage) are to be affected, here would be the "survivors"; everything else "down" for the duration:

Metro North - should be unaffected in its entirety (does not use Amtrak anything in NY)

NJTransit - trains originating at Hoboken and not using any portion of the Amtrak/PRR/ Corridor (edited to reflect Mr. GCT29's post).

Long Island - East of Jamaica OK

Tri-Rail - if they can make other arrangements for MofE (presently contracted to Amtrak at Hialeah).

METRA (C&NW, IC, CRIP) - likewise unaffected (don't use Amtrak owned CUS)

Trinity Rail(Dallas) - honestly don't know; same for NYS&W (Syracuse NY)

Alameda County - I understand uses T&E crews contracted from someone else and have their own M of E. Safe, I guess.

[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 06-23-2002).]

Posts: 9975 | From: Clarendon Hills, IL USA (BNSF Chicago Sub MP 18.71) | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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RRRICH; Keep the faith I, like you have a trip planned,I really don;t think the pols are stupid enough to let Amtrak shut down. I will be looking foward to your trip report. Our trip is in Sept. and we intend to be on board! Have a great trip!! Jack M
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Conspicuously absent from Mr. Normans list (and rightfully so) is MARC's Penn line, by far the busiest commuter line in the DC area, run by Amtrak and right next door to the Capitol. If the worst happens, our representatives will be well within earshot of the mayhem. (Unless CSX picks up the ball - they run MARC's other two lines, but it's unlikely they'll have the personnel or permission to run on the NEC.)

By the way, The NYS&W in Syracuse is independent of Amtrak. More of a light rail system, though it uses some fine equipment (Budd RDCs). And to add to the list, NJTransit would also be unaffected on all routes out of Hoboken.

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The latest informaiton that I have heard on MARC was that the Camden and Brunswick lines (both CSX operated) could operate.

The problem for them lies in access to Washington Union Station.

From what I understand is that these trains would not have access to the terminal.

Anyone hear anything different?


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MARC service on the old B&O lines would not have access to Union Station from what I have read. Those lines do stop adjacent to some Metro subway stations so passengers could connect but where would trains be serviced? They currently go to Ivy City, an Amtrak facility. I also read where VRE would have to shut down...they originally thoped to run to L'Enfant Plaza stop but now have learned that option is out. This also poses a big Metra problem for the BN line west from Chicago Union Station to Aurora, etc.
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As far as NJ Transit...they could have been more flexible if they had fought to keep the former CNJ Newark Bay drawbridge intact; that way, they could keep service going on the Raritan Valley and North Jersey Coast lines...but they would have had to build a working connector track into Hoboken, since there are no tracks going to the old CNJ terminal in Liberty State Park, Jersey City.

As it stands, they should rebuild the former CNJ line through Elizabeth so that the Raritan Valley line can connect with the currently-operating "Mosquito Line" (former New York & Long Branch), which would provide an artery accessing Hoboken via the former PRR/LVRR Oak Island/Greenville bridge, while keeping service going via Elizabeth's busy Midtown; trains from the North Jersey Coast Line could operate via the former Elizabethport & Perth Amboy route to the Mosquito line into Hoboken. Another advantageous possibility would be to have alternate service to/from Trenton via the former Reading lines in West Trenton (which hosts SEPTA's R3 train, which itself could have kept operating were Reading Terminal still in use, thus not closing access between New York and Philadelphia by rail)...

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Gilbert B Norman
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Naturally, if there is to be a shutdown, alternatives to restore commuter trains that only access an Amtrak station, would be hastily.

For Example, In the case of METRA/BNSF, shuttle busses could be quickly arranged (after all, school's out; a bus is a bus) from/to Halstead Street Station. There is still access for the trains to their 12th St maintenance facility without venturing on to embargoed AMTK/CUSCO trackage.

But if there is to be a shutdown I think some of my "I never use Amtrak, I only ride the Burlington into work" neighbors will quickly get the message that whether they know it or not, they DO use Amtrak. I somehow think this is part of the strategy behind threatening to shut down all facilities, and not just those that support Amtrak's own intercity trains.

Posts: 9975 | From: Clarendon Hills, IL USA (BNSF Chicago Sub MP 18.71) | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Most important is that the commuter lines will be kept in service. Long distance routes, including Acela can temporally be replaced by planes or buses. Can emergency funds be found for the commuter services, like wages for dispatchers, technical services of the infrastructure?
Posts: 9 | From: The Netherlands | Registered: Mar 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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