The BIG PICTURE is TYING TOGETHER the Midwest by means of Passenger Service. From Chicago to St. Louis, Springfield, Joplin, Tulsa, Dallas and other cities all along the line. Needed commerce, investment and jobs will come to the downtown areas of towns and cities along the line in Missouri, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Be it resolved by the people of the State of Missouri that the Constitution be amended: Section 30 of article IV of the Constitution of Missouri is amended by adding Section 30(D). The new section includes the following underlined language: Monies collected from a one tenth of one percent sales tax will be used for the purpose of developing Rail Passenger Service in Missouri including from St. Louis to Rolla, Springfield, Aurora, Billings, Marionville, Republic, Crane, Galena, Reeds Spring, Hollister and Branson. (This will allow connection of the Chicago Rail Passenger Line to Tulsa and other cities in Texas). A one tenth of one percent sales tax upon or measured by fuel used for propelling motor vehicles (automobiles, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds), is to be levied and collected as provided by law.
PRESS RELEASE COMMUNITY EVENT FROM Missourians For Rail Passenger Service
CONTACT Robert C. Sweitzer Phone 417-833-2308 toll free 1-877-495-4955 Fax 417-833-0096 email RRCSE1209@CS.COM
CONTACT Ronnie S. Dean Silver Springs Chapel 1119 N. National Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-4005 Office 417-751-2473 Home
WHAT Public Meeting WHEN Nov. 29, 2001 and Dec. 6, 2001 WHERE Silver Springs Chapel 1119 N. National Springfield, MO 65802 TIME 7:30pm