Hi Gary.Thanks for getting back with me with all the precise dimensions. I am pretty busy over this weekend, However I think I can get that description loaded into my cad program next week. When I know I have it right, I will give you a few suggestions. I think this will get you started. If you decide that you would like me to design your layout outright,let me know so I can send you a listing of my terms and a contract.
I also need to know what scale your planning to work in. solutions that are good for say O scale wont work to well for someting in HO. I do have a sugestion to make however. If you would like to have a "New England" industial area and town. My I reccomend that you change your beach and industry to a quaint New England port. This would blend better visualy with the rest of the layout. As a model railroad designer, I know people have difficulty accepting a drastic change in scenery. I.E. going from steeples and maple trees. to piers and palm trees. You can still have a beech if you have your heart set on a beech scene. You can just make it Cony Island style instead of Tampa Bay Style.
The last thing I need to know is what kind of image editing software, if any, you have. Just incase I have something on the drawing messed up, You can indicate the appropriet changes and send it back. Microsoft Paintbrush is a very common program. Chances are you have it.
Thanks for getting back with me.
James Mitich
Mitich Rail Limited.