Thanks to those who posted. Forwarned is forarmed. Here's to an uneventful trip.
I'm back. BWI connection ok I guess. Get ready to be messed with by commuters. Station is smallish, and not well kept up. Connection takes 10-15 minutes, shuttles show up about as reported.
Newark Penn Sta is scary!!! All those people they kicked out of Grand Central must have relocated there. Did not feel comfortable enough to sit in lobby looking like a mark! (with 2pieces of luggage and the computer) Went across street to bar in the Hilton to wait. Esclators to/from train platforms are not wide, only room enough for a single person, so don't take roll on luggage where the wheels are widely set, or be prepared to lug it down, or up. "Front" doors to station are locked down @1:30am, had to lug stuff all the way around the station to get in the back door (about equilivant to 4 block run). Barely made my 2:10 connection with southbound Twilight Shoreliner. This is an old station that most certainly has lost any pretence of past grandeur. Ugly is the word.
[This message has been edited by earmond (edited 10-12-2000).]