Passenger train operations, including high speed, on the lines of freight railroads offer excellent opportunities to develop new commuter and intercity rail services. But while they offer attractive sources of revenue to freight carriers, they also pose perplexing problems-compensation, liability, grade crossing safety, signaling and train control requirements, right-of-way capacity constraints, maintaining the integrity of freight service. Railway Age's seventh annual Passenger Trains on Freight Railroads conference will offer a thorough, candid airing of these topics, and an in-depth look at some of the important projects being undertaken in this area. This two-day event will feature recognized experts from both the passenger and freight areas of railroading and will be held on October 17 & 18, of year 2000. If you have an interest in what's happening with mixed-traffic issues-as a freight railroader, as a passenger train operator, as a federak, state, or regional transportation planner-this is a conference you won't want to miss. If you're a consultant supplier with a stake in the future of passenger rail, it's one you cannot afford to miss. The previous six conferences were sellouts. Early registration will assure you a seat-and a voice-at this year's conference!