This is topic The Great Lehigh Valley Train Meet Sept 13th/14th 2008 in forum Railroad Events and Shows at RAILforum.

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Posted by train123 (Member # 6568) on 06-03-2008 06:42 AM:
The Great Lehigh valley Train meet held at Merchants Square.2 Days 2 Different shows. Come enjoy over 13,000 Square feet of Toy and Model Trains,Diecast,Photos,Paper,Repair Parts,Railroadania, Plus more. Always expanding with over 350 tables of different items over a 2 day period. Our Saturday show is dedicated to Ho,N,ON30,Z Brass and all scale items.With everything for the Scale modeler and Collector.Dcc classes and more. Sunday is Dedicated to S,o-27, O, Standard and G gauge.Come find Lionel,American Flyer , Repair parts new and vintage trains. Both days Have Railroadania, Diecast,Repair parts and a little of all gauges. There something for eveyone. Operating layouts, Door Prizes and Demonstrations, Dont Miss this one. After the show enjoy the Malls 100,000 square feet of Antique and collectable dealers while your there.

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