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Posted by bostonguy (Member # 1377) on :
All -- I've a reservation (not confirmed) to go from Boston to DC via the Acela Express (Business class), then DC to Orlando in a sleeper. The trip all told will be 28 hours with one hour or so layover in DC.
I've only taken the commuter rail to work for years, and last June took a Coach ride to NYC from Boston on the standard Acela.
I guess my main concerns lie with feelings of claustrophobia in the sleeper, and the possibilities of movement side-to-side. Should these be concerns? There won't be a lot of sight-seeing as most of the time is in the dark.
I've read a lot of negative posts on the site, and that doesn't help my nerves a lot either. My alternative is to just try and bite the bullet and take a plane out of Manchester, NH straight to Tampa in about three hours. I'm planning on dramamine and maybe something from the doc if he'll prescribe.
Any notes of things I should be aware of or have concern over as a 'newbie' would be appreciated.
Thanks much !
Posted by CK (Member # 589) on :
I think that once your on board you will feel just fine. I too had many of the same concerns you mentioned before I began taking long distance trips using sleepers. I've found it to be a very relaxing way to travel.
If you suffer from anxiety disorders you may want to see if your Doctor could prescribe some medication. In comparison to flying you will probably find long distance train travel to be a joy! I wish you the best.
Perhaps others can speak to the one hour layover. Often Amtrak trains run late. However, the Acela may have a very good on time record.

[This message has been edited by CK (edited 02-26-2002).]

Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
Bostonguy, fear of the unfamiliar is not uncommon. My basic rule with Amtrak is to expect a generally good experience, but don't expect perfection. There are bound to be some glitches.

If you feel claustrophobic, you can always walk about the train, visit the lounge, etc. At stops you can usually step out the door for a minute or two. I like to do that to take photos of the train at various stations. At service stops you can get off for 15-20 minutes.

I assume you'll be riding one of the Silver Service trains, which use Viewliner sleepers. I am told these are somewhat more spacious than the Superliners out west, and because they are single level cars they sway less. The side to side motion of a train is unlikely to cause motion sickness. It is my understanding that motion sickness is usually caused by up and down motion like on a plane or boat. However, the day after you get off you may feel the odd sensation of still moving side to side. It is harmless and will pass after a few hours.

So take the train ride. I once heard an inspirational speaker who advocated "taking detours." That is doing things you don't normally do to expand your horizons and give you a new perspective on the world. That alone is worth the trip.

Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth.
-Mr. Toy

The Del Monte Club Car

[This message has been edited by Mr. Toy (edited 02-26-2002).]

Posted by Konstantin (Member # 18) on :
I realize that there are different types of motion sickness, but if yours is anything like mine, you have nothing to worry about in terms of feeling sick. I have stopped flying in planes in the last couple of years because I get too sick in them. I am not able to ride any type of roller coaster, or any ride that moves a lot, especially flight simulator-type rides. I can't even look down while riding in a car or I will get sick. Dramamine and other medicines do no good. Now that I explained myself, I will tell you that I have never felt sick a bit inside a train. I actually like the bumping around on bumpy track. I also think it is comfortable to bounce around while sleeping.

As far as the service, that is another thing. Typically, the service is a lot better in a sleeper than it is for coach. Just go with the attitude that you will have to take care of yourself, and be prepared for late trains.

Elias Valley Railroad (N-scale)


Posted by Amtrak207 (Member # 1307) on :
I hear you about the negative posts.
My advice: Arrive with the attitude that your train will be an hour or two late getting to your destination and that's okay. You should enjoy the trip. It's not mass-market sterile smiles like an airline, and you will encounter some non-smiling faces. My take on Amtrak customer service is that the crew have the ability to be themselves. For some that means another paycheck. For others that means helping a diverse group of people get where they are going in a safe, comfortable, pleasureable manner. Expect some of each. Get crew member names. Sign up for guest rewards. And most important of all, do not expect everyone to cater to your individual needs all the time. Be prepared to give a little bit. Like others have said, if you expect perfection you won't get it. If you expect a mediocre experience you may end up with more.
As far as motion sickness is concerned, keep the curtains open and adjust the climate control in your sleeper. The most disconcerting thing for me is not being able to notice when you start moving after a station stop. The rule of thumb is if you experience motion sickness riding a car or bus, be prepared for it on a train. If it is only on a boat or airplane, be prepared for it but do not expect it. Also keep in mind that south of Washington you are riding on freight rails, which are safe but not always smooth.
Enjoy your trip. I think many on this post look forward to hearing from you upon your return.
Posted by yummykaz (Member # 475) on :

I love taking the train. I get excited just thinking about it! For me it is a romantic way to go. After you get past late trains, rude employees ( but there are many good ones too!), running out of food in diner,and uneven heating or is great!

I am prone to motion sickness too. But I find I NEVER get that on the train. However, if you are in an upper room, on a double decker, you may feel like you are floating when you get OFF. I found it hard to drive after we got off a top floor room.

Leave your "in a hurry" mentality at home. If you are on a train that the beds are going the same direction of the train , instead of across the train, it is easier to sleep. When we take Sunset it is hard for me to sleep, but on Crescent it was easy!

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