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Posted by scaredrider (Member # 1566) on :
Okay, bought the fan, duct tape, applesauce, dramamine, etc.... We leave tomorrow morning at 3am. I am really a wreck. My husband saw the fan and said "What the hell are you doing?" I explained to him about the air circulation. Then he saw my four bottles of water. Again he said "Now,what the hell are you doing?" I explained that the train might run out of water, and I wanted something to brush my teeth with. He said, "You mean we paid all of this money, for a train trip with no water and no air conditioning?" Then I told him about maybe taking a bus if we miss our connection. He liked to explode. "I am not getting on a bus. If that happens, we get on a plane." I told him that the train trip is a little like camping, and to relax and let the little blood vessel in his temple calm down. I'm glad I didn't tell him about the toilets sometimes not working. I did not bring anything to prepare for that one, so he didn't ask. I mean, what can you bring?

Anyways, I should take my own advice. I need a little reassurance here.

Crescent number 20 is our first train. We are only on it for six hours. Then the 29 Capital limtd from Washington to Chicago. This one is an overnighter with sleepers. Then the Southwest Chief 3 from Chicago to Los Angeles once again overnight with sleepers.

On the way home, it is the same trip but in reverse.

I was reading (with extreme horror) at Reggierails emails. Do you think this will happen to us?

I really really really don't want to take a bus somewhere.

I feel so sorry for him. I am not a rail fan, but it seems to me like he is. It must have been such a letdown for him. How can you get on a train again after having an experience like that?

[This message has been edited by scaredrider (edited 05-30-2002).]

Posted by jimmymac (Member # 1182) on :
To Scaredrider: You need to relax. I have been on three overnight round trips since December. The toilets worked and we didn't run out of water even when the Sunset Limited was 6 hrs late into LA. The air conditioning even worked. Although I have to say that the Superliner aircon works better that the single level cars on the Crescent, it still was comfortable. I do suffer from motion sickness but I didn't need dramamine on any of the trips. All that I took with me was a small kit with asperin, bandaids and antisceptic wipes, and I only used the asprin.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
About the best thing I can tell you, "scaredrider", is that the host railroad over which your "Southwest Chief" uses, the BNSF (actually Burlington Northern Santa Fe, but they seem to have adopted the acronym BNSF as their trade name) has a better on time performance record than does the Union Pacific - the host for most trains on which Mr. Atwell (reggierail) rode. Your train goes right by both my home and office in Clarendon Hills 18 miles west of Chicago, and from many, many personal observations is usually "more or less" on time.

Considering that most people "in your shoes" would be affixing a black monolith advertising some place in central Washington (Yakima) or in Greenland (Thule) or still yet the southern-most inhabited place in Argentina (Ushuaih) to the top of the mini-van and loading up, I think you are to be commended to allowing your family to share in a unique adventure. However, if you have "cold feet" and decide you would be better off in the van or SUV (willing to bet that's what you drive), be mindful of the cancellation policy regarding accomodations, as that is where most of your Amtrak fare is wrapped up in. If you scrub, I for one would understand. Don't sob for Amtrak, as they will have the premuim space you would be releasing filled by computer from their wait list before you were off the phone.

[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 05-30-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 05-30-2002).]

Posted by reggierail (Member # 26) on :
Everything should be just fine on your trip. The Crescent was one of the trains that was on time & had one of the best crews I have ever traveled with. You should have plenty of time to enjoy the Acela Lounge in D.C. as you are scheduled for 5&1/2 hours there.
I have always had a great trip on the Capitol Ltd. and again you have a 5&1/2 hour layover in Chicago.
I have traveled more times on the Southwest Chief than on any other train in the Amtrak system & have more often than not had a wonderful trip. Make sure & walk the platform while the train is in Albuquerque. The indian merchants on the platform may have some treasures to bring home with you.
All of the sleepers that I had on my trip Had a very generous supply of bottled water & sodas right in the sleeper car and also an ice chest that was kept stocked the entire trip.
You will have a great trip & might even get hooked on traveling by train.
I will definitely be riding the train again & even now just a week after my disasterous trip, I'm ready to start planning my next trip this fall.
Have a great trip & let us know how it goes.



Posted by DisbandAmtrak (Member # 1429) on :

Try to relax. Most likely you'll have a good trip but just be aware that something can happen and be prepared to deal with it. Amtrak's contract with you is that they are obligated to get you to your destination safely.

And remember this, just like airline pilots have families they want to get home to, so do Amtrak conductors, (hopefully. No Just kidding.)

Posted by daisybumble (Member # 855) on :
Scaredy, if your hubby doesn't like the sound of what can happen on an Amtrak trip, then why doesn't he just fly to San Diego and meet with you & the kids there? Why travel as a family if he's gonna be miserable? I just hope that if anything goes wrong, he doesn't try to blame you...that's not fair.
Keep in mind that Amtrak will do whatever they can to accomodate everyone. I've never experienced any major problems (knock wood), but I've heard stories like this...the kitchen is out of service for some reason, so the conductor calls ahead to the next stop to have enough food for everyone on board delivered to meet the train. The staff is trained to do their them and let them do their work. If you're nervous about every possible thing that can happen, you're going to be a wreck and so are your husband and kids. Be strong and positive. Travel problems can happen anywhere at any time...but keep in mind that millions of people travel every day with no problems at all.
Posted by scaredrider (Member # 1566) on :
Thanks much for all your kind words. I am so glad to hear that the Southwest Chief is fairly reliable. My friend just got back from flying to Colorado, and her trip was miserable. It is very cloudy and stormy here, so I am very very glad that I am not flying tonight.

No, the trip is on. We will get there no matter what, and we are doing it by train. If train travel is not an option in the future, I would like my kids to experience it now with me.

If my husband acts up on the train, he can just exit at the next available stop. I have patience with him, but not too much ;->

All in all, I am thinking of this as an adventure. I tend to get a little complacent, so a few twist and turns are good for brushing off the cobwebs.

Thank-you again for your advice and your comforting words.

Wish me luck!

ps. I do drive a minivan....


Posted by reggierail (Member # 26) on :
If my husband acts up on the train, he can just exit at the next available stop. I have patience with him, but not too much ;->

All in all, I am thinking of this as an adventure. I tend to get a little complacent, so a few twist and turns are good for brushing off the cobwebs.

Good for you! Hopefully your significant other will have a swell time & thank you for putting it all together. I'm sure the kids will have a blast & so will you. We're all pulling for you to have the trip of a lifetime. Please let us know your times & dates so we can follow you on your journey.
Your looking at it as an adventure is the perfect attitude to have. You will experience things and see places in a few days that many people never get the chance to see & do.
All of us here at the forum are pulling for you.



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