What kind of food service is offered to first class passengers on the westbound Lakeshore Limited out of Boston, during the dinner hour which occurs before the dining car is attached to the train in Albany?
reggierail Member # 26
Dinner service should be available departing Albany after the trains combine. Scheduled departure is 7:45PM & you should recieve at least one call for dinner. Your sleeper attendant would have more info and you could probably have service from available items in the lounge car. I have on occasion eaten in the lounge car when I didn't feel like going to the dining car. I simply told the lounge attendant of my first class status & they accomodated me.
Ken V Member # 1466
quote:I have on occasion eaten in the lounge car when I didn't feel like going to the dining car. I simply told the lounge attendant of my first class status & they accomodated me.
Reggie, I never considered that! When, at times, I didn't feel in the mood for the dining car fare and wanted something simpler from the lounge, I gladly paid extra for the privilege. Now with the constant "baby carrots and string beans", I may go to the lounge more often.
[This message has been edited by Ken V (edited 06-03-2002).]
Mike Smith Member # 447
I ate in the lounge car of the Sunset Limited on the fateful May 10th trip. I asked the attendant for a turkey sandwich, crackers, and a 7-up, and told him I was in the sleepers. He looked at me like I was stark raving mad and asked "You are giving up a meal in the diner for this junk food?". I started to give him the details of my stomach virus, but withheld my comments, due to the person in line behind me. Needless to say, he didn't get a tip.........
striperjack Member # 1636
If anyone has eaten on the Lake Shore lately I would love to hear your opinion of both the food and especialy the service you got. I must say I never had trouble with the food but the service was spotty at best. Hope you had better luck! Jack M
Metman007 Member # 155
The last time I rode the Lake Shore Limited, the sleeping car attendant said any food in the cafe would be free to Albany, if I said I was in the sleeper. After we left Albany, Boston sleeping car passengers were led to the dining car by our sleeping car attendant and we were served dinner before everyone else.
paulfnshore Member # 1201
This was over a year ago but the food and service wrere good except on eastbound LSL the dishwasher broke so plastic was the use but it did not detract