Does anyone else here share the opinion that the Acela Express trains look much better when the locos have their roof shrouds? It's a shame that they all seem to be missing now. I wonder if they'll ever come up with replacements that don't fall off after a few months of use. And I wonder why they don't seem to be falling off of the HHP-8's like they have on the Acela Express locomotives...
Posted by irishchieftain (Member # 1473) on :
Yes, me. They look abominable without them. They've been running without them for about a month now. Not good PR for Amtrak, having relatively new equipment having the appearance of premature decay.
Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
What are roof shrouds? Anyone have with/without photos they can post?
------------------ Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth. -Mr. Toy