Here are the results:I would be more likely to use the U.S. passenger railway system if… (Check all that apply.)40%
Trains were cheaper than they are now 40% => 3711 votes 38%
There were more high-speed trains 38% => 3581 votes 19%
Trains had better on-time arrivals 19% => 1785 votes 45%
Trains were more convenient 45% => 4166 votes 51%
There were more destinations/locations 51% => 4735 votes 4%
None of the above 4% => 412 votes 2%
I regularly take a train already 2% => 229 votes 7%
Under no scenario would I be more likely to take a train 7% => 693 votes 6%
I don’t travel/I don’t care 6% => 596 votes Current number of voters: 9214
Not much of a surprise, IMO, everyone wants cheaper and faster in most everything.