What is the standard consist for the majority of eastern US long distance trains with Viewliner sleeping cars, specifically during peak travel periods?
Amtrakman Member # 2403
Well, for the crescent, it consits (in order) of:
The Three Rivers consist usually is as follows:
2 P-42 Engines Baggage Car Dorm Car 1 Viewliner sleeper 1 Horizon or Amfleet Dinette 3 Horizon or Amfleet Coaches Various Freight Cars
Gilbert B Norman Member # 1541
I'm surprised to learn that on the Crescent, the Lounge is placed forward of the diner and immediately behind the sleepers.
Other single level consists that I have had occasion to recently observe, place the Lounge Car immediately BEHIND the "Kitchen Rear" Diner. Even though the Diner and its "pricey" a la carte fare is open to all, the lounge is often the only source of food service coach passengers will seek. It would appear pointless to have that foot traffic "traipsing" through the Diner, especially at mealtime.
That the Diners are placed in consist "kitchen rear" suggests that the intent is to facilitate access for Sleeping Car passengers for whom meals are included in their accomodation charges.
Amtrakman Member # 2403
Thank you very much for pointing out my error. I was watching a tape and realized it was slightly out of date. After calling my friend who lived in Atlanta, I was informed that they rarely will run with the lounge forward of the diner. In fact, he informed me that you are correct, almost always the diner is in front of lounge.
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