I know that the Empre Builder splits it's trainset apart in Spokane with some 2 coaches 1 diner and 2 sleepers to Seattle and 1 coach 1 lounge and 1 sleeper to Portand. I was wondering how the Lake Shore Limited splits up going to New York or Boston?
Posted by Italiancanuck89 (Member # 1873) on :
Train 449/448 is usually 1 baggage, 1 viewliner sleeper, 2 coaches, a food car, then any mail, express or roadrailers. The food car sometimes varies between a lounge or a dinette. Train 49/48 is 3 coaches, 1 diner, 2 viewliner sleepers, 1 crew sleeper (this is only an old heritage sleeper), and 1 baggage. The Boston section goes in front of the New York section. The express cars are either moved behind the NY section or taken off at ALB while others are added.
Posted by Amtrak288 (Member # 1967) on :
Back in the "good old days" (OK last SUMMER!)They used to almost always have an Amfleet II Cafe Car which was part of the New York Section and traveled to New York on #48. At Albany, #448 would get an Amfleet I Cafe or Dinette added to the end of its train. Now they run the Cafe Car straight to Boston and the New York Section only has its Dining Car from Albany To New York. Anyone know if the Dining car serves anything between Albany and New York since there's no Cafe Car on that section of the train between those 2 cities?
Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
I *think* they had a selection of snack items on the tables... hazy memory from months ago I'm afraid.