When a customer pays fo a ticket he has to be treated like he is always right. If you don'tlike that try to use a little logic and realize that if he doesn't come back and keep buying tickets for rides your employer will have no business and no reason to employ YOU and hence you will have no salary (no job!). Get it!? Too complicated!?
Mike Smith Member # 447
Nope.... it's way too simplistic.
There are 'customers' out there that you would not want back. There are people that are way too argumentative or drunk or just too obnoxious to want them as a customer, due to the fact that they would chase off more customers by their actions.
Amtrak288 Member # 1967
I'm sorry Railbug, the customer is NOT always right. People who are rude, belligerant and obnoxious to other passengers or train crew will leave a very negative impression amongst the people who are nice and cooperative and make them not want to come back (and those good people are the ones you want to come back). I have twice witnessed Amtrak Crews put passengers off the train due to their actions onboard as keeping them on the train would have endangered other passengers, the crew or both. There are also people who like to "play the system". Think back to when Amtrak had a "Service Guarantee" program. How many times do you think someone demanded a free trip because they had a stale muffin in the cafe car, or used a bathroom with a door lock that didn't work and someone walked in on them accidentally, or their train was 10 minutes late? That program must have cost them millions in lost ticket revenue because people who would play the system would demand free travel for some insanely stupid reason and site the "customer is always right" philosophy. This of course is a general statement, I'm not citing an actual example but I think others on this board will agree with my logic on this one. Although the lion's share of people are good and honest and "right", there are those who are only in it to get something for nothing or just cause trouble, and you will find this most anywhere including on Amtrak Trains. I'll have to agree with Mr. Smith on this one...
irishchieftain Member # 1473
Did the author of this thread choose his handle with the intent of posting threads with the words "you're wrong" in the titles?? This is getting quite tiresome.
AMTRAKLVR Member # 2843
for what its worth, I'm beginning to think that Railbug, StevePostal, and Nando are one in the same person. Just my opinion.
TPWMAN Member # 360
I can tell you from looking at Railbug's profile that he and Stevepostal are one and the same.
cajon Member # 40
Hey railbug boy why don't you go get a hair cut if you want customer service! The only customer service you can expect from Amtrak is to get you over the road as quickly, efficiently & SAFELY as possible PERIOD!
Amtrak207 Member # 1307
I rode a train today. I was wrong a few times.
rmiller Member # 341
From a 1951 recording of the radio show Gunsmoke...."The Overland Stage promises to get you there, your comfort if up to you".
Boyce Member # 2719
What is everbody wrong about? We're right, You're WRONG!
UncleBuck44 Member # 2049
Saying Im wrong. Hah
dmwnc1959 Member # 2803
As a travel agent I have found the need on occasion to 'fire' clients because they just didnt get it. NO, customers are not always right, YES I realize that when I get on a train that I am dealing with human beings, just like me. We get to see these rail attendants for just a small portion of their day and could never know all of the emergencies, problems, and 'fires' they have to put out. We as a nation have been promised the highest possible level of customer service that can be delievered, to be treated like celebrities, to have our hands held through every step of our journey. To attract business companies will and have promised you the moon, and they cannot always deliver everytime on every occasion. It's just the way it is. That's life.