Cable here!
Once you go cable you never go back!
[This message has been edited by Room Service (edited 11-24-2003).]
Parade magazine reported recently that in Japan they get broadband service that is 10 times faster than in the US at half the cost. Europeans enjoy similar service. What those countries have is a highly competitive broadband market. What we have in the US is a handful of companies tightly controlling our broadband access.
Trust God, love your neighbor, and never mistake opinion for truth.
-Mr. Toy
Local phone line $15
ISP fee $20
Total $35
For $5 more I get 100 times the speed. That doesn't look expensive to me.
Many Amtrak travelers (myself included) have found it to be an excellent source of information and feedback. It's by far the best board of its kind.
But if you fill it up with topics that have absolutely nothing to do with Amtrak or train travel? People will stay away (something that appears to be happening already). And Trainweb could conceivably pull the plug.
So don't blow it. When posting here, in the words of a once-popular song, "act your age, not your shoe size."
And if you're still really bored? Go out and ride a train.
It means I can surf this and other rail sites quioker, although Freeserve heven't been serving anything for the last 3 hours. (Hint: there was a link to get back on-topic!)
Geoff M.
What is so hard about NOT opening a post with a subject you have no interest in?
And just to keep things on topic, why is there not internet service avalible onboard Amtrak. The technology now exists for even CARS to recieve full satellite TV and internet service.
Why would Amtrak NOT offer services they could over-charge for to help subsidize operations? I'd love to be able to check my email on a long tran trip, or, at least be able to check in on this freakshow (of which I'm proud to be a member)once or twice along the way.