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Posted by geedubya55 (Member # 3010) on :
I am taking my family on the Coast Starlight this summer, and we booked three sleepers. What kind of tip is customary to the attendants?
Posted by CG96 (Member # 1408) on :
Three sleepers?!?! Whoa.

Oh, wait, I get it. You mean that you booked accomodations for three passengers on a sleeper. OK. For a moment, I thought you booked three sleeping cars full of passengers (about 100 people or so). According to , the usual tip is between $3 - $5 per night traveled, for the sleeper crew. The waitstaff in the diner would recieve the customary 15%.

[This message has been edited by CG96 (edited 01-24-2004).]

Posted by UncleBuck44 (Member # 2049) on :
Oh I thought he meant hes getting three sleeping compartments
Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
I think he does mean 3 sleepers.
Posted by TwinStarRocket (Member # 2142) on :
Can't you see from the member-id that it's the President on a whistle-stop campaign tour. He needs to know how much it will cost him not to alienate the service industry vote.
Posted by coachclass (Member # 2382) on :
Base your tips on what level of customer service you receive. Tips are a thank you for great service and going above and beyond the customer's expectations. If you don't see your sleeper attendant between the time you get on and the time you detrain, why tip? On the other hand if they are very helpful and friendly, $10-20 a night isn't out of the question, depending on your budget. I usually don't tip the coach attendants, but on my recent trip on the SWC CHI-LAX the bathrooms were clean EACH and EVERY time I used them, the attendant was very freindly and helpful and gave us all kinds of interesting info. that was above and beyond her job description, so I gave her a couple of bucks and a big thank you as I stepped off the train.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
My guidelines--

Sleeping Car Attendant; $5 per person per night with a minimum of $10 for occupying a Deluxe. This includes one 'gofer' per day, such as drinks from the lounge. More gofers, more $$$, however if a gofer is a meal, that is tipped above this guideline.

The only time I would reduce a tip below this guideline would be for such as failure to make up a bunk or a missed wake up call resulting in a hasty departure from the train with a missed shower or even leaving belongings behind. 'Oh I just don't like him/her' is insufficient grounds to reduce or pass a tip.

Dining car: If your meal is included in your room charge, I use $2 for breakfast or lunch, $3 for dinner plus 15-20% of any bar bill.

Lounge; 15-20% of your purchase.

In short, for 24 hours of Sleeping Car travel, figure $20 in tips is part of your transportation cost. Also be certain to bring a wad of small bills as there is no reasonable way to otherwise proffer a tip. Although periodically, I have been forced to "make change' for a tip with $$$ left on the table by other diners, that rule throughout the world of once the $$$$ are on the table, they belong to the staff is quite prevalent.

In closing, tipping is one of these baffling customs of our world. In fact, in a sci-fi that still makes rounds on the TV movie channels "The Day the Earth Stood Still', "the Martian' (played by then-heartthrob actor Dana Andrews) started to "blow his cover" when he failed to tip at a restaurant. One of these days, there will be a law against it, with the tip simply being built into the price of the service, but until then, I always tell myself 'just live with it".

Posted by traveler (Member # 1415) on :
Help me with "Lounge". Are you refering to the snack counter in the small space below the sightseeing car? The only Amtrak trains I have ridden are the SWC and CZ since returning to train travel a few years ago. The lounge I know is the one I referenced above. The attendant simply hands you your selection similar to a Quick Shop type of operation. Is this who you tip 15-20%?
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
That is who I have in mind, Mr. Traveler.

But away from Amtrak, I'm known for tipping hotel housekeepers ($3/day), barbers ($2/clip), car wash attendants($3/wash), newspaper carrier ($50/@Xmas), Parking Valets ($3/assuming my auto is in one piece), USPS letter carrier (a salutation/$$ is againast the law).

Judge for yourself to what extent I am either generous or a cheapskate.

[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 01-27-2004).]

Posted by zephyr (Member # 1651) on :
Gilbert, is it possible that we are already at the point where "...the tip is simply being built into the price of the service?" What are the annual salary ranges for Amtrak service personnel? Along the same line, do you know (as a CPA) if Amtrak is covered by tip allocation rules as are large restaurants? Are Amtrak employees required to report tips to their employer? Are Amtrak employees' benefits similar to Federal government employees? Do any other government (I know, quasi-government) employees in other agencies receive tips from the public?

I tend to tip about the same as outlined by Mr. Norman. But I'm wondering if I should give my tipping practices a second look. After all, the Pullman Company went away long ago. Is this just an old custom we continue to follow as we tip already adequately compensated employees for performing their basic job duties?

For now, I'll continue my tipping ways. But I'd appreciate some information on pay and benefits of Amtrak service crew employees.

Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
GBN, remind me to do you a favour one day! I call that pretty generous. Or maybe I am stingy.

Lounge car steward gets loose change upto a dollar, maybe a bit more if purchases exceed $10.

I for one certainly don't believe in tipping for the sake of tipping. It should be for service that is in the upper half of the range poor-average-excellent. Tipping somebody just for doing their paid job is still a little alien to me.

Where service has been included as part of the bill "for your convenience", I simply reduce it according to how cheeky I feel that restaraunt is on the day. Tipping must be optional, never expected or "suggested". One "suggested" I leave 20% but they got nothing for that and the fact it was mediocre service.

Sorry guys and gals, but you have to work to earn my hard-earned cash!

Geoff M.

Posted by Sheriff (Member # 2521) on :
I'll try and answer that question for you. The on board service employees (OBS)for Amtrak are on wages just like anyone else in their field. By all means they do not make minimum wages BUT the tips they make do help put beans on their families tables. There are no gratuities built into the prices you pay on the train. Also remember the lounge attendent does go to work at 6am in the morning to make you fresh coffee and except for a short break for lunch and dinner he is there on his feet until 12 midnight. He puts in a 18 hour day and only has 6 hours from the time he is off until he has to be back at work. Not much sleep. He does this for 3 or 4 days in a row depending on the train. He (as all the OBS crew members do)only gets a little rest at his lay-over point at the hotel if the train is on time. If it is late that cuts into his rest time before he has to go back to work on the train for his return trip to his home terminal. Now the waitors and waitresses in the dinning car do get a little break in-between meals. 15% tipping is normal for these employees. Sleeping car attendents also provide a service to you and should be tipped accordingly. If they give bad service then they deserve a little tip. It's my understanding a %5 to $10 a day tip is in line with the service they provide while you are in the sleeper. Even the coach attendents deserve a little tip if they are helpful and take care of your needs. Help with luggage is usually a dollar a bag. Conductors do not expect tips and we will usually turn them down unless someone insist that we take them. Even for handling bags. That's our job to help in any way we can and make your trip a pleasent one.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
The best answer I can give to Mr. Zephyr's inquiries is "I don't know'.

I am now almost 23 years removed from the railroad industry. Even if I had knowledge of existing rates of pay for any class or craft of railroad employee, I know of at least one retired locomotive engineer who believes 'it is no one's business what we earn'.

The interesting point raised by Mr. Zephyr is that "quasi government' USPS employees are prohibited from accepting any $$$ gratuities (source: their website's FAQ), yet "quasi government' Amtrak employees are free to accept them.

Of interest regarding postal employees is that a gift of tangible property less than $20 is OK, $$$ in any amount is not. Recently our carrier (best one I've ever had in 25 years around here) left for maternity leave. "We the neighborhood' passed the hat, and bought her a gift of tangible property in the $50-75 range. This was done with the complete blessing of the Postmaster.


Posted by zephyr (Member # 1651) on :
Gilbert, I agree completely with the retired locomotive engineer who believes "it's no one's business what we earn."

But I'm asking about base salary ranges for the different job descriptions. I worked for the Federal government in a previous life, and this information for the various GS levels was considered public information. Actual earnings of employees was strictly confidential.

So, can anyone lead me to a site that gives wage grades, annual salary ranges, employee benefits, and job descriptions of the Amtrak service crew positions (the one's who generally receive tips)?

By the way, Sheriff, I'm looking forward to reading your book.


Posted by MontanaJim (Member # 2323) on :
Im sorry to sound like a scrooge here, but i think tipping is a little out of control in the US sometimes. I believe a tip should be a reward for better than average service. people are in the custom nowadays for tipping waiters in restaurants and hotels for no matter what the level of service.

in regards to the hardworking amtrak lounge attentants, i realize they are working hard and maybe sometimes deserve a tip. But i have worked in 24 hour gas stations on the graveyard shift, made coffee at 4 am for people, and did i ever get a tip? NO!

also, after the train trip the crew gets a few days off at their home base, so although they work like dogs while working, they do get rest at the end.

what i am trying to say is, if a crew member on the train is really doing their job well and is extra special, by all means tip. but i dont believe in tipping just for the sake of tipping, there are many people in the world working other jobs and working their butts off who dont get tips!

Posted by Sheriff (Member # 2521) on :
I don't think you will find a site which will tell you what the wage scale is for any kind of railroad work. It's kind of like Gilbert said, it's know one's business. Although the OBS wages will probably run between $15 to $20 per hour depending on the job if that helps.
As far as my book "Unauthorized Train Stories" ( ) goes I had to make some corrections that the printer made and it is being reprocessed at this time. I hope to have it delivered in 2 or 3 weeks.

I couldn't agree with you more about the tipping. If you do not get good service then by all means do not tip. Unfortunately I have seen the way some of the OBS, and Conductors as far as that goes, treat passengers. If I had my say they would sit home for a couple of weeks, without pay, to think about the fact they are serving the public. Most of the guys and gals are pretty good but once again you will always find some which are lazy. But remember we do take a lot of abuse out there and sometimes our patients do run a little short. We have our good days and bad days just like you on your job.

Posted by zephyr (Member # 1651) on :
Sheriff, I think I'm coming across as poking my nose somewhere it shouldn't be (re. it's no one's business what Amtrak employees earn). I'm very sensitive to privacy issues, and that's not my intent.

I think a question about Amtrak base salary schedules & benefits is not intruding on anyone's privacy. The Federal Office of Personnel Management doesn't think so for government employees, and gives this information at:

When I worked for the Federal government, the thinking was my salary range (my actual earnings was my business) should be made available to my bosses (the public I was hired to serve). As you can see at the OPM website, they still take that view. Not only are pay schedules made public, but information about benefits and job classifications is readily available.

Likewise, my State & local government discloses salary and benefit information.

Strictly speaking, I realize Amtrak employees are not Federal government employees. But are they not quasi-government, like the Post Office? The Post Office discloses wage and benefit information. So my question on how I can obtain similar information from Amtrak doesn't seem improper (or infringing on anyone's privacy).

I'd like to get a better understanding of the nature of their employment (let's limit it to on-board service (OBS) personnel since this thread is about tipping). I'm finding it difficult. Amtrak's website offers little information (usually states "Per Union Agreement" for annual salary ranges). I've requested information in writing to Amtrak, but have not received a response. Googling hasn't helped.

Sheriff, your statement about a $15-20/hr pay range is the best information I've got so far. Thanks. But I'm finding the lack of public disclosure about OBS pay ranges odd.

Let me put it another way: Are we tipping Amtrak personnel just because it became a custom from the days of Pullman, or because we have grown accustomed to tipping at restaurants, etc. Remember, restaurants and many other service positions in the private sector often pay very low wages. Tips are very important to these people. As they were to the Pullman porter.

But have times changed where the OBS personnel are compensated well, but we continue to tip them out of habit? Remember, I'm a tipper of the Gilbert Norman persuasion. But maybe I should take another look this, and at least raise the bar on the level of service that deserves a tip.

[This message has been edited by zephyr (edited 01-27-2004).]

Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
I tip because I receive service above the "sit down and eat" or "here's your room, call me if you need me". There are car attendants that are entertaining and helpful (Toni Westfield comes to mind). There are waiters in the diner that go above and beyond (Sweet Pea exceeds that standard).

The people that make my train trip special get the nice tips. The people that keep me in mind when making the beds or making sure my iced tea glass is filled get Ok tips. The ones that think I'm an imposition in their routine get nothing.

Posted by Sheriff (Member # 2521) on :
Well it sounds like I kind of stepped on your toes a little. You ask a question and I did my best to answer it. I do not have excess to the OBS pay scale anymore than you do. I think what your saying is do we tip if someone makes good money anyway. Right? In my opinion $15 to $20 per hour is fairly good wages but not great. You do have to remember these people do have to but their own uniforms. You are issued, as are all Amtrak employees, one uniform at the time of hiring (shirts not included). After that you are on your own as to how many times you can wash that one uniform and ware it the next day or buy new ones. These uniforms are not cheap and we are required to buy them from Amtrak uniform store at the price they set. If you are working the CA Zephyr for 6 days, working 18 hours a day, you need 6 uniforms. And yes they do get 5 days off in between trips (and well deserved). Once again if you do not get good service do not tip. I think the "actual earnings" falls into play here. The OBS personnel are professionals, or at least they should be, just like a good waiter in a high dollar restraunt. Would you refuse to tip him just because he makes $20 per hour if you meal ticket was $100 for the evening for two people? I think not. Although if I received bad service I not only would not tip but I would want to talk to the manager. Same goes for the train. You paid good money to ride and eat and should be treated with respect. Everyone should always remember in order to get respect you have to give it. There are a lot of people out there who demand everything. Those guys and gals have a job to do but do not have to put up with some A/H because he thinks he is the only rose that was born on this beautiful earth.
Posted by CK (Member # 589) on :
I wanted to point out something in the defense of the vast majority of the OBS crews that do their job very well.

I think it's important to note that the OBS crews are in a position that requires them to "put on their happy face" and provide professional service the entire length of the trip which can last up to three days.

Service members in other fields, stewardess, waiters, bus boys, bell hops, etc., perform their roles for a much, much shorter period of time.

It's not very difficult to "be happy" and professional for a few minutes or even hours, but try doing it for several days. Throw in a disrespectful passenger or two, or three, and it becomes easy to understand why they sometimes become frustrated and act in an unprofessional manner.

Granted, they accepted the job, but that doesn't mean it's "a can of corn".

Posted by Kairho (Member # 1567) on :
I agree with Mr. Norman in almost every instance. Differences:

1. Lounge car. I just leave the coin change, unless it's ridiculously small (like 6 cents) and then I throw in a quarter or two or dollar or whatever.

2. "USPS letter carrier (a salutation/$$ is againast the law)" ...We are told by the local postmistress they can accept gifts with a value up to $25, like most (all?) government employees. Our guy gets $75: $25 from me, $25 from my wife and $25 from the company. Yes, we get great service!

I tip well (when deserved) because I enjoy it, because not everyone has been as fortunate in life as I, and, in some cases, I like to be remembered. I like being generous when warranted. In my favorite restaurant I tip 30% to 35% (due to rounding). We get great service every time, "special" consideration (like the choicest cut of steak instead of the regular (which is pretty good, too!)), and our choice of table is almost always available, even though coveted.

Similarly, I am in a business where tips just do not occur. Yet several times a year I do get tips (and fairly large). I donate the full amount to a favorite charity in the name of my customer and they are thrilled to get the unusual thank-you letter from the charity. Yes, I get more business that way, too!

I have also tipped a small token to conductors who have gone out of their way to help. When it is (usually) refused, I ask if they have any favorite children. They always answer yes and I tell them to put it towards the college fund.

Posted by boyishcolt (Member # 3001) on :
when someone pervides good service and reguardless of who they work for- goverment or private industry. is a good thing.working with the public is not easy and not for everyone.but i am sure working for Amtrak and always being unsure of the future doesn't make it any easyer

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