What is the most uncomfortable ride on Amtrak durring nite?
Myn was when a SupperLinner's A/C messed up and all nite it was on full blast
------------------ JONATHON D. ORTIZ
Mr. Toy Member # 311
Mine was the opposite. We had broken A/C in the rooms on the CZ during a summer trip. It made sleeping difficult. I woke up sweating and very thirsty. The A/C still worked in the hallways, and that kept us from melting completely into a puddle. The car was a Superliner I named "George M. Pullman." Otherwise it was a great trip. The on-board service was top notch. Without our even asking, our car attendant arranged refunds on the sleeper portion of our fare because of the busted A/C.
The night of our return trip was one of our best. The car was comfortablly cool and we turned out the lights to watch lightning outside.
traveler Member # 1415
Having a room 9 sleeper above the trucks in Western Nebraska on the Z. Brad
notelvis Member # 3071
A Superliner upstairs standard room on the short-lived Kentucky Cardinal. The track from Louisville to Indianapolis was in such bad shape that even at 30mph the tall varnish would really rock back and forth. I didn't get to sleep until after we arrived in Indianapolis........I was worried that the car would derail and pitch over on it's side while the train was in motion.
------------------ David Pressley
amtrak_fan_c Member # 3079
I can't stand the standerd bedrooms for some resean just way to small. Least the standerd bedrooms on the viewliner have TVs in them. hehe
------------------ So I'm a Amtrak fan. ;)
dutchamtrakfan Member # 3000
As traveller room 9 in nebraska but with a bouncing boxcar just behind you
Sheriff Member # 2521
I can tell you mine. It's trying to stay awake when you go to work at 11;30pm at Sac and you don't get off work until 9;00am the next morning at KFS. You guys are all cuddled up in your sleepers getting a good night's sleep while me and the other Conductor's and Engineer's try to stay awake too keep you and your family safe and give you a good ride through the night. But it's all in a night's work.