I have had word from Steam Powered Video that the long-awaited Railroad Atlas of North America - Praries East - has gone off to the printers and will be officially launched next month. I believe this completes the USA side of the series.
So, for those taking the Texas Eagle, Southwest Chief, City of New Orleans, Kansas City Mule, or the St. Louis Mule, this will be an essential add-on to the series!
I don't work for SPV, I'm just a satisfied customer!
Geoff M.
Gilbert B Norman Member # 1541
You have not posted any spam directly to the Forum; you have not even provided a link to the producer's site.
I believe your presentation to be perfectly within the nature and scope of this non-commercial Forum; I'm certain the Administrator will agree.
Ken V Member # 1466
I expect the Prairies East edition will cover Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas. This should still leave one more (North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota - a gap in the route of the Empire Builder) before the entire U.S. has been covered.
I am anxiously awaiting more SPV Atlases of Canada.
[This message has been edited by Ken V (edited 05-04-2004).]
MPALMER Member # 125
This is good news. The SPV atlases are great references.
I take it the mapping project in the UK is completed? (Evidently the UK project was more urgent and interrupted the US mapping project)
Geoff Mayo Member # 153
I'd forgotten about the missing one - Dakotas & Minnesota. The Praries East one is indeed Arkansas, Missouri, and Iowa.
I don't actually know what this mapping product was. We already have a series of books which detail track layouts, stations, mileposts, yards, tunnels, major structures, etc. Most regions of Network Rail already have Emergency Line Plans which go into details of access points, dangerous lineside buildings and so on. All I can think it was a personalised map for one of the Train Operating Companies.