We will be traveling from Emeryville to Glacier Park beginning on June 15th. The schedule shows one hour of connection time BUT #14 hasn't arrived in Portland prior to the departure of the EB in a month, literally. How does Amtrak handle connecting passengers when the train is late? Is the procedure different when the train is very late, three plus hours? We are traveling in a deluxe sleeper. I hope someone has experience here and can let me know. Thanks. We're not going to have to take a bus from Portland to Glacier, are we?????
Posted by Grandma Judy (Member # 3278) on :
You will probably end up going by bus from Klamath Falls, Oregon, to meet the eastbound EB. Where that meet occurs depends on how late the northbound CS is running.
Posted by chubbes (Member # 3250) on :
You will be put on the bus from K-Falls to meet the Empire Builder(not sure where.) The conductor(maybe my dad) will have the diner and sightseer lounge attendants scavange for enough Chip Bags. Well thats atleast what happend this last summer but there is nothing to worry about.
Posted by Tepethom (Member # 3281) on :
Thanks for the information folks. I have a follow-up question that I hope you can shed some light on.
Is the train to bus transfer point always (or most always) Klamath Falls???
My concern in asking the question is that Klamath Falls suggests a minimum of 7 hours on the bus, an unhappy experience to me. The idea of an hour or two late Starlight necessitating a 2 or 3 hour bus ride is more palatable. So, is the train to bus transfer point ever north of Klamath Falls?
Thank you for bearing with me on these questions!
Posted by Grandma Judy (Member # 3278) on :
Thinking about Oregon geography, I think Klamath Falls would always be used because there are no other cities of size along the route until you get to Eugene & the way over the Cascades from Eugene (although a lovely trip in the summer when the road is open) would put you right back to Bend, reached more directly from Klamath Falls. From Eugene to Portland, the train moves up the Willamette Valley, just like I-5. I think you're stuck with Klamath Falls if the train is late.
[This message has been edited by Grandma Judy (edited 06-06-2004).]
Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
Yes, it is always Klamath Falls. On most of my trips on #14, Empire Builder transfers were necessary there. If you don't want a long bus ride, better to overnight in Portland. Personally, I would not even attempt a same day connection from the Starlight to the Empire Builder, because the odds are extremely high you will be bussed from K-Falls.
I also think Amtrak should consider eliminating connection guarantees on most connections involving UP track. They never work, so why bother? About the only exception is between the California Zephyr and the Starlight (for pax coming and going from north of Sacramento) because their routes overlap for some distance, and connections can easily be made at several points.
Posted by royaltrain (Member # 622) on :
Don't even think of trying to connect onto the Empire Builder from #14. My personal choice would be to go to Seattle, stay overnight and connect with the next day's Empire Builder. From Seattle you will have a proper dining car, but not from Portland.
Posted by chrisg (Member # 2488) on :
Give yourself another day to avoid being bussed. You could find yourself on as bus to Portland, Pasco or even Spokane if the Starlight is really late. By giving yourself an extra day you could stay in Portland a new light rail line to ride and then see the Colombia River Gorge going east or go to Seattle and see the Cascade Tunnel going east. I have been bussed and it is not really a good way to spend a trip. http://www.trainweb.org/chris Posted by Tepethom (Member # 3281) on :
Well, we're back and we spent 7 1/2 hours on the bus going from Klamath Falls to Pasco.
The Starlight was 2+ hours late about one mile south of Klamath Falls but then held in that position for an hour making us three + hours late at Klamath Falls. The reason for the hold was so a UP freight could pass. Sadly, it developed a leaky tank car and we then had to wait for its repair. Even worse, our engineer then went past his maximum shift and the new engineer due to board in Klamath Falls had to be sent by taxi to our train.
The bus took us from Klamath Falls to Pasco, Washington- via Route 97, which could have deposited us in The Dalles sooner than Pasco. The two stations that serve that area are unmanned so we went east to Pasco, which has a new station that is staffed.
The Empire Builder has OT into Pasco and on-time at Glacier Park. Our sleeping car attendant saved meals for us. The quality of the meal was a very pleasant surprise. It was cold but of much better quality than any dining car meal I have ever had.
The bus ride was long and miserable.
I was disappointed with the Starlight this time. The porter, parlor attendant and dining car crews were just going through the motions. Based on this last trip, I am in no hurry to return.
Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tepethom: Even worse, our engineer then went past his maximum shift and the new engineer due to board in Klamath Falls had to be sent by taxi to our train.
Same thing happened to me a few years ago. An hour before K-Falls the crew "died" and we had to wait an hour. The delays were mostly due to track work. But a UP dispatcher made our wait even longer. He told the replacement crew that the train would make it to K-Falls in time.
quote:The bus ride was long and miserable.
Well, we anticipated that.
quote:I was disappointed with the Starlight this time. The porter, parlor attendant and dining car crews were just going through the motions. Based on this last trip, I am in no hurry to return.
Some crews are definitely better than others. No need to avoid the train based on one experience.
Thanks for the report.
Posted by sbalax (Member # 2801) on :
Just back from a great one day trip SBA/LAX/SBA. When we got to LAUS early at 11:50AM I was surprised to see the norhtbound Starlight was still in the station. I detrained and boarded a Pasadena bound Gold Line train and #14 was still there at Noon. What's going on? I'm assuming that the repairs on the Gaviota trestle are done. There are still some periodic delays on Highway 101 through Gaviota at the tunnel.
Off subject, the Gold Line is great! I was in Pasadena in 35 minutes to meet my sister for lunch.
Frank in SBA
Also a bit off subject, the Surfliner crews did a great job of dealing with passengers who had missed their stops. Northbound there was a kid who slept through Simi Valley and there was a southbound young mother and child who didn't get off in Camarillo. The north and southbound trains made an unscheduled stop in Moorpark and just swapped passengers!
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
Concur with Messrs. Guenzler's and Royal's advice; in short it is best not to plan same day connections with anything operated over the UP.
Amtrak is doing their best arranging "bustitutions" such as the K/Falls-Pasco journey noted. However, if a purpose of, and enjoyment of, your trip s riding trains, then one best heed Mr. Guenzler; as he certainly qualifies an an "experienced" traveler.
Amtrak has fufilled the transportation contract with you by providing the "bustitution"; yet one would have been deprived the most scenic portion of the "Shasta' Route - namely K Falls-Eugene.
Somehow nowadays, one planning an itinerary of xxx-1-LAX-14-PDX-28-xxx or v.v. had best be prepared to to devote some time to "lovin' the pooch".
Mr. Royal has previously reported here that he is not.
[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 06-23-2004).]
Posted by jp1822 (Member # 2596) on :
It is absolutely pathetic the way UP handles Amtrak trains over its routes. The Portland connection betweent the Starlight and Empire Builder should be a no brainer - and its still well patronized. I couldn't afford (time wise that is) an extra day in Portland to ensure a good connection between the Starlight and Empire Builder. So I ended up driving from Sacramento to Portland to ensure I'd be on the Empire Builder as ticketed. PS - It was a really great drive (very scenic and saw more as I drove the whole route in daylight hours), but would have rather been on the train.
At one time, it was published in the timetable as a guaranteed connection (both ways), but now, Amtrak may still honor the connection by busing late passengers, but the verbiage in the timetable disappeared (re: connection between northbound Starlight and eastbound Empire Builder).
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
As of a few moments ago, after entering a Sacramento to Spokane itinerary, A 'same day" SAC-14-PDX-28-SPK is returned. Accordingly, it remains "guaranteed".
Posted by jp1822 (Member # 2596) on :
That's true Mr. Norman but in the timetable it made specific mention of a connection with the northbound Coast Starlight and eastbound Empire Builder in Portland. I remember it distinctly, b/c I was making this connection just as the new spring timetable came out and remember questioning in San Diego (in mid-trip) when I found out about it). As is still the case, ticketing can still be done - but less advertised connection. I think it was in the winter 2001 timetable and then dropped in the spring 2001 timetable - if I recall correctly.