Does any1 know where the Superliner Coaches rolled off 2? I was thinkin they were gettin the new IVb paint. Because a few monthes back some crews were using regular sleepers and when the transition dorms returned they were in new paint. Well if any1 knows or has another hypothesis of where they rolled to please post.
[This message has been edited by chubbes (edited 07-16-2004).]
Mr. Toy Member # 311
What coaches are you talking about?
chubbes Member # 3250
The Superliner Coaches
Gilbert B Norman Member # 1541
I like to think the Good Lord gave me reasonable command of the Queen's language, but all I can come up whit here is:
Kairho Member # 1567
I think "any1" is "anyone," "2" is "to," and "IVb" means Phase IV paint. Add a few "g"s and delete a few "e"s (these are obviously just typos). Took me a while to realize that "rolled off 2" meant "moved to" rather than "became decoupled from Train #2."
I cannot wait for telephones to have full keyboards so that people would learn that thumb-saving abbreviations just do not translate to forums.
chubbes Member # 3250
ok ill say again. Does anybody know where the Superliner Coachs have gone, Some trains are putting Horizons in front of the Dorms and i was thinking that the coaches are being repainted to the new Scheme and getting its check up but iam not posotive. So wht iam asking is why are the Superliners coaches not present in some consists?
pismobum Member # 2628
Now that the question is clarified, the answer is there are a ton of them bad ordered for various maladies and no spares are available. According to one post (knowledgeable) they are 6 super coaches short of having enough cars to keep the regular consists on the road, and I doubt if that includes the 4 missing from 11/14 (normally run with 5 - have only had 4 this summer).
JONATHON Member # 2899
he is asking where the Transtion Sleepers went, They were sent to Beach Grove to have a new vinel stripe and the new Logo added, I'll try and dig up the URL I read about it from internet explore's history