Between the three of us in the Trainweb office we receive more than 1000 emails a day. The majority are train related inquiries which we reply to, or, if we're not sure of the information, they'll be diverted to a more knowledgeable source. Heck, on occasion we have even directed them to the "forum" to ask around in there as we know the level of expertise posting there is more than qualified to answer their particular question. Well, one request received from "Mary",of England, on the weekend had us all stumped, and I replied as such. But tossing in bed last night thinking that "Mary" (whom I envision as a little white haired grandma with clear blue eyes and a teapot always on the ready) deserved a better answer. I did suggest she go to the forum and ask in there, but in hindsight realize she probably thinks the "forum" is some nasty little chat room that she'll have no part of. So I'll post her request and forward any replies to her. Many thanks
Subject: Re: Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Company.
"Would you have any idea what the arbitrators award consisted of when the Londonderry and lough swilly Railway company ceased its Burtonport extension in 1952. ANY information at all would be most helpful. Thanking you, Mary B.
Geoff Mayo Member # 153
Can't help you on the specific subject, but a couple of tips about England... ;-)
1. Not all grandmas have white hair and have a fine china teapot standing by 2. "Tossing in bed" has other conotations in the UK. "Tossing and turning" defines it as honest activity. Put it this way, it involves the male nether regions and a hand.