[This message has been edited by Gilbert B Norman (edited 11-24-2004).]
Posted by TBlack (Member # 181) on :
Mr. Norman, that's a wonderful story. Good for you to find it! Think of all the voices the NYT could have done the story about - but they chose Julie! Somebody in the AMTRAK PR department is paying attention. As an aside, I find it ironic that Sprint, a company in the communications industry, couldn't get its communication right.
Posted by patsym (Member # 556) on :
I would really like to read this article but I'll be darned if I am going to put all my personnel information in to the New York Times just to read it. Thanks anyway.
Posted by TBlack (Member # 181) on :
Dear patsym,
I'll give you two options:
1. The article can be emailed to you, which I'm happy to do. 2. If someone will tell me how to do it, I can probably post the article to this board.
Posted by notelvis (Member # 3071) on :
I've forwarded this link to my wife so that she can finally put a 'face' with my 'mistress'.......you good people know how it works, Everytime I give Julie a call I go off for days on another 'train ride'.
------------------ David Pressley
[This message has been edited by notelvis (edited 11-24-2004).]
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
To paste the article here, all you need do is ring it up at the site, move your cursor through the text, right click copy, open a post message field here, thence click paste. Voilla, you jave sucessfully pasted the article here.
However, I would suggest restraint in so doing here or any other board. Such is copyrighted material and the price for reading such at the web is registration and sharing personal information with the Times.
They do spam, but be assured such is in good taste.
Posted by CHATTER (Member # 1185) on :
LOL, NotElvis! My wife says exactly the same thing, that I have periodic flings with Julie.
Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
WOW! She looks much like I pictured her. Right hair color, though in a different style. And her name really is Julie! I'll have to stop putting her name in "quotation marks."
This is one area where Amtrak has really done it right. It shows that Amtrak does want to do customer service well, even if it doesn't always hit the mark.
I've used other speech recognition systems that don't work nearly as well. Last week, in fact, I got fed up with one at PG&E, which required you to memorize complex phrases, instead of simple one or two word answers. Plus it kept sending me in circles. I finally gave up and hit "0".
Lesson of the day: good programming and easy navigation are more important than the voice. But a pleasant voice personality is the icing on the cake.
BTW, I've been registered with the NYT for several years, and I've never gotten any spam. It has been awhile since I went through the registration process, but I think they had an opt-out check box. Go ahead and sign up. Its easy and worth it.
Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
You know why websites have a "mail this to a friend" link? So they can add that email address to their junk mail list. I'm not saying that the NYT necessarily do so, just warning that this is what can happen.
Julie is pretty good, even at understanding a British accent, although every now and again I do have to "Americanize" my accent a little (sorry, "a leeddle").
And to Patsym, I would not be concerned about giving personal info. to the NY times.
Posted by JoeR (Member # 2633) on :
I was travelling on the Three Rivers in October '03, and I was talking to one of the sleeping car attendants who filled me in on who Julie is.. she actually was a train chief on the Auto Train! As soon as she said that I remember hearing her voice on a trip on the Auto Train a few years prior.
Posted by patsym (Member # 556) on :
Thank you CoastStarlight99 for the site without having to give all my personal history, and to everyone who responded. I usually don't mind answering questions until they get to my age and then I get a little touchy.
Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
no prob Posted by RRRICH (Member # 1418) on :
Coast Starlight - is there a picture of Julie on your link? I can't pull up any of the photos on that link -- they all show up as little "X's" in boxes
Posted by NothinCouldBeFiner... (Member # 3832) on :
My solution: LIE
quote:Originally posted by patsym: Thank you CoastStarlight99 for the site without having to give all my personal history, and to everyone who responded. I usually don't mind answering questions until they get to my age and then I get a little touchy.
Posted by George Harris (Member # 2077) on :
quote:Originally posted by patsym: I would really like to read this article but I'll be darned if I am going to put all my personnel information in to the New York Times just to read it. Thanks anyway.
In total agreement with you. Does anyone else see hypocricy in complaining about government nosiness and then demanding personal information so you can look at their newspaper? I sure do.