This is topic Letter sent to my congresswoman re:saving Amtrak in forum Amtrak at RAILforum.

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Posted by travelplus (Member # 3679) on :
Here is the letter I sent to my Congresswoman. Please give me your feedback.Thanks

Dear Congresswoman Eshoo, I am writing you today to tell you that I am devistated that Amtrak may no longer exist in the near future due to the low funding provided by the state and at national levels. Let me tell you how much I enjoy taking the train to my vacation destinations. This past summer I had the opportunity to ride the Coastal Starlight from San Jose-Los Angeles CA and enjoyed the beautiful ocean views down the coast. I then took the train from Los Angeles to Lamy New Mexico aboard the Southwest Chief. Next week I will take the train to Lamy New Mexico because I support Amtrak. I have met many great people aboard Amtrak and really enjoy seeing America the way it was meant to be. Going on long road trips by car stresses the driver,and many accidents occur. I feel that by saving Amtrak you will do a great service to the nation. Amtrak needs to stay in existance for people who are afraid to fly cross country. Do you expect people to take Greyhound which can be unsafe? I've read many accounts where people had problems with Greyhound. It would be to our nation's benefit to take the European model and have passenger trains take precedence over the frieght trains as many trains are delayed hours on end. On my last trip the Coastal Starlight ran two hours late,this train is dubbed as the Coastal Starlate. We do not want our nations' rail travel to fail because this is a great way for people to travel post September 11th. I urge you to take a trip on a long distance and onboard the Amtrak Capitol Corridor between San Jose and Sacramento and report back to me how much you enjoyed the experience. You can get lots of work done aboard the California Cars with the large tables and electric outlets. The cafe and diner onboard the train is very good. If you cut Amtrak then you will be doing a great disservice to our nation. I would also urge you to put forth "high speed rail". I have travelled around Europe on the TGV and Talgo Trains and have enjoyed the experience. Take the AMtrak Cascade Route between Portland and Vancouver BC aboard the Talgo Train, California needs this type of rail service.If you have taken a flight in the past,you will know that it takes a long time to checkin,board the plane. On a train you could be in LA in 3 hours. High speed trains would be safer that the normal person driving a car to LA. This past December my family and I drove on Highway 5 in dense fog and with the many trucks on the route this could have caused many accidents. Trains are known to be safe. For instance in the last unfortunate Metrolink crash in Southern California only ten people lost their lives compare this to the planes that went down on 9-11 or in a 10 car pileup this is safer that most modes of transportation. We need to have a safe,efficient,and secure mode of transportation available to the busy CEOs of the Silicon Valley. BART needs to come to San Jose . Without BART San Jose will have major problems in terms of traffic congestion. Your support in the above topics is greatly appreciated. I as a Californian citizen want to do my part to save such a great mode of transportation. I am a major railfan. I urge you to visit where you will find many travelogs,photos,and information regarding rail travel in the US. This website also has a fourm which I am a part of that discusses the essence of rail travel. If Amtrak were to cease existance what would happen with the hobby of being a rail fan? This website would lack popularity. Please visit it and report to me your feelings towards the subject. With Appreciation

Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
Overall, a fine letter, though perhaps a little long. I prefer to keep letters to elected officials as short as possible.

I have a problem with this line:
"It would be to our nation's benefit to take the European model and have passenger trains take precedence over the frieght trains as many trains are delayed hours on end."

I do not believe that freight should take a back seat to passengers. Freight is essential to our country's livelihood. I do, however, think freight and passenger trains should be considered equally important, and that we modernize the infrastructure so that freight and passenger trains can coexist harmoniously.

"Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience." -- Hyman Rickover
The Del Monte Club Car

Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
I like short letters too. Here's my latest:

Hello Mr President:

I realize you and Secretary Mineta do not believe it is in our Nation's interest to have a substantial national passenger rail system.


There are numerous people that will not fly due to their fears, and there is a growing number of people that will not fly due to the intrusive "inspections" and massive restrictions we have to endure whenever we fly. I cannot even carry a pocket knife with me on the occasions that I do have to fly. This is, in my opinion, absurd. {Never again will highjackers be allowed to take over a "passive" group of people on a plane, therefore I believe everyone should be able to carry weapons when they fly.}

On rail, an improved National passenger rail system is needed right now. The need will become even greater as our population grows. I believe it is extremely short-sighted to cut or reduce Amtrak's funding. They should be receiving $2 to $3 Billion a year to support their infrastructure and increase their rolling stock. The routes should be expanded and enhanced by authorizing "Interstate II", a plan to update our rail system throughout our Nation.

It is a shame that the 4th largest city in our country {Houston}only has 3 day a week service by only one Amtrak train.

Please correct this growing problem.


Michael W Smith


Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
If you are a constituent of Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-14th-CA), that could be a plus for her reviewing the highlights (as dertermined by a staffer).

I must wonder to what extent she is a supporter of Intercity Rail; likely she heartily supports both CalTrain and BART. Silicn Valley, which comprises the 14th, is home to some of the most Type A people on this planet; it is my conviction that Type A's have little use for intercity rail - you can get there and be IN CONTROL on I-5.

But I must concur that the letter is too detailed, unless somehow the Congresswoman has a railfan staffer in her office. There is too great a chance that all she will review is the staffer's summary report: "some guy's in favor of Amtrak".

Unfortunately (I'll stand corrected from those in the know) I fear the reaction will be a "ho hum".

Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
Originally posted by Gilbert B Norman:
I must wonder to what extent she is a supporter of Intercity Rail; likely she heartily supports both CalTrain and BART. Silicn Valley, which comprises the 14th, is home to some of the most Type A people on this planet; it is my conviction that Type A's have little use for intercity rail - you can get there and be IN CONTROL on I-5.

Assuming you can GET to I-5! Bay Area traffic is now so bad that a recent trip from my in-laws place in San Mateo to the I-80/I-505 junction took us three hours, where it used to take only one. (I-505 is a shortcut connection between 80 and 5 running between Vacaville and Dunnigan.) We were trying to get to southern Oregon. I really wished we had a train option that day, so we could have bypassed all of that traffic, instead of contributing to it. (Alas, Klamath Falls was not close enough for our purposes.)

Many intercity road trips involve some portion of it through a major metropolitan area. It was driven home to me that day that intercity trains (if there were more of them) would provide a credible alternative to driving through these areas, help relieve the congestion, and allow at least some people to avoid it altogether. Corridor trains, on the other hand, allow you to get around within these congested metropolitan areas, but not very far past them.
Note to Mike:
Your letter is better, but the editor in me would remove the tangent relating to the pocket knife.

"Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience." -- Hyman Rickover
The Del Monte Club Car

[This message has been edited by Mr. Toy (edited 01-30-2005).]

Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
Mr Toy:
Hindsight is 20-20. I agree.
I should have stopped one sentence sooner on that paragraph.

However, If Bush does read it, he will understand the "pocket knife" statement.

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