This is topic COAST STARLIGHT REOPENED...!!!!!!!!!!! in forum Amtrak at RAILforum.

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Posted by bigskysaddles (Member # 3717) on :
I have reservations on the Coast Starlight ( my very fav train route) On Feb 25-Imagine my dissapointment when I got the call from AMTRAK last week telling me my trip would be altered due to the track damage.BOY, was I dissapointed!Got on the AMTRAK site this morning, and found this...
I am THRILLED!!!!!!!It looks as if the tracks are REOPENED!!!I am going to call just to check on this, but it looks great!
Posted by bigskysaddles (Member # 3717) on :
Guess I jumped the gun and should have checked more thoroughly...Talked to AMTRAK regarding this , and in fact service has NOT resumed, and will not, until Feb. 27 for southbound trains, and Feb 28 for northbound-Of course I miss that by one day with my trip......The wording on the AMTRAK web site in regards to the new CS promo says "With the track restored, the Coast Starlight is once again traveling along the breathtaking Pacific Coast north of Los Angeles. " -Maybe they should change their wording.....
Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
Feb. 28 has been the word for about 3 weeks now.

They say the pacific ocean because they mean it is going to Santa Barbara, but not San Luis Obispo yet .

Bus from SBA to SLO ???

Hope it reopens soon.


Posted by Southwest Chief (Member # 1227) on :
Man I guess I was very lucky considering I was able to get as far as San Louis Obispo when my southbound (#11) had to stop because of the track washout. So I was technically on the last Coast Starlight from Oakland (where I got on) south.

Even though we were bused the rest of the way, I at least got to ride a train for a major portion. I can't believe how long it is taking UP to fix the line. Guess they still do not see this line as a priority. And I thought the hold up at signals for track warrants was bad!

Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
Does anyone know if March 1st is still the offical word on the full LAX to EMY portion of the route restored?
I am planning a trip in late March on the #14.
There is suppose to be additional rain tommorow and throughout the weekend, so I hope we dont see any more tracks being damaged.

Thanks for the help guys.
Posted by bigskysaddles (Member # 3717) on :
I talked to AMTRAK today.We leave a week from tonight-On the AMTRAKwebsite, it says the first SOUTHBOUND train from seatle will roll Feb. 26, which would be the train I am supposed to catch in Portland-When I question AMTRAK customer relations on it,the hem and haw, and then say....the first day they have it scheduled is Feb. 28 both north and south bound.....Initially, I was told March 1-I am hoping that its at least open for my return trip mid March....Keep your fingers crossed everyone!
Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
I hope the rain we are experiencing in So. California does not delay the re-opening.

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