Hello, after computer problems that never went away, until the Computer Repair place told me to stop puting money into fix my Computer, I finally got a New one, I've always wanted to take my PC on the train with me, I wanted to know if anyone has taken there computer with them on an Amtrak Trip, I see people do it all the time, I wanted to know if anyone knows if its worth it to take there computer with them, I might have to, See now that I got a Digital Camera, I cant just reload film like with my other one, when my SD Memory Car fills I got no way of taking more Pictures, and buying a new card is way to exspencive, so emptying the SD Card onto my PC I can take more Pictures, any tips on keeping a Computer On-Board?
maxmarch Member # 2495
Your laptop will prove valuable if you are going to be taking digital pictures. Keep in mind that electrical outlets are scarce in coach... if no sleeper, you need to charge that laptop when you can. Other's with laptops and cell phone chargers all need to share the one or two plugs in the observation car... plus, you will need to keep an eye on it... If you get a sleeper, you can charge it in there. I use my laptop for digital picture storage as well as all the maps for my GPS... also handy for logging your memories... in my opinion, laptops are the way to go... just so long as you are discrete.
Room Service Member # 2405
Take some DVD's to watch at night too. Great in a sleeper. Sometines at the Oakland stop there is Internet connectivity if you have wireless capability, great for doing a quick check of email. Take your laptop, you won't be sorry.
CoastStarlight99 Member # 2734
I am getting a Dell Axim X50v as a graduation gift next week, I have a laptop, but I have never decided to take it on the train mainly because of its size and I already bring enough electronics (scanner, ipod, camera, camcorder etc.) But the PDA is just small enough. Also, if you do bring the laptop can use it as a GPS with some software and a USB GPS reciever.
As RoomService said, I have heard atleast a few times there is a Wifi service at Oakland or Sacramento..I think it would be nice if Amtrak set up designated stops with really would not be that expensive...and an easy way for passengers to check email and then read it if they will be on a train for 1-3 days or just a short trip.
Geoff M Member # 153
Shame the new PC didn't come with a spell/grammar checker... never mind, eh?! ;-) (joke)
I actually find it quite restful to get away from PCs for a while. Seeing as my job is software engineering, I guess that's reasonable. Still, it took 5 years of riding Amtrak until I saw somebody with a mobile (aka cell) phone on board.
Have you considered any USB memory sticks? I don't know if any digital camera takes them, but they're pretty cheap. My last one was 256Mb for GBP£25, which is under US$50. Memory prices fluctuate wildly, so keep an eye out for any deals.
Geoff M.
CoastStarlight99 Member # 2734
Wouldnt the camera have to have a USB port?
JONATHON Member # 2899
My Camera takes an SD Card, so I cant use a Memory Stick, as for DVDs:
Money Train
California couplers
Workin' on The Coast Starlight
Run Away Trains
Run Away Trains2
Any More?
Also, since the New Computer is a Tablet PC, I can make a sketch or to while on The Train!