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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3987
 - posted
When traveling east from Orlando to Maricopa, I will have 3 large bags and I've got a bedroom unit. I've been told that I can't take 3 bags into the bedroom so at least one bag must be checked. We've seen the great photos of train stations and it looks like Maricopa is more or less un-manned at certain times of the day. If that's correct, when I get off the train in Maricopa, how do I get our checked baggage off the train? Will there be someone who will remove it from the "baggage" car? We have noticed that Sunset Ltd schedule doesn't necessarily coincide with actual arrival times and hours of station operation.
20th Century
Member # 2196
 - posted
I think your sleeper car has a storage section on the lower level. Your room attendant will store it for you.
Member # 1418
 - posted
Kitty - I don't know much about Maricopa, but knowing how the SL runs, and knowing just a bit about that station, I would not expect anyone to be there by the time you arrive -- scheduled arrival from Orlando is at 1:32 AM -- if the train is on time or a little late, there may not be anyone there in the middle of the night, but if it is REALLY late (6 hours or more, which is common for the SL), that would put your arrival there later in the AM and there MAY be someone there.

I would suggest not checking any baggage to Maricopa, even though the current timetable says Maricopa has checked baggage. What doesn't fit in your bedroom can be stored in the lower level of your sleeping car on luggage storage racks, by the door, and you will have access to the baggage all the time.

Have a good trip!!
North American Railroader
Member # 3398
 - posted
I was in Phoenix in May for the International Science Fair, and my father took the train to and from Maricopa (my mother and I picked him up). The Maricopa station is fully staffed, with a ticket office and everything. Also, incase you've seen the old photos, the station is no longer an Observation Car, instead, they have built a new facility and platform, which is quite nice and safe, even at odd times of night. The Observation Car is still there, but set further back from the track. I agree with RRRICH about placing baggage on the luggage racks. Even though it is fully staffed, you never can be sure that everything will go as planned at smaller stations. Just to be warned, although Maricopa is the official stop for Phoenix, it's out in the boonies, litterally. Hopefully you have someone picking you up, because I'm not sure if cab service extends that far, and prices going to Phoenix would be very large.
Member # 622
 - posted
I personally would not put my luggage in that lower-level area of the sleeping car. It is totally insecure, and there have been incidents of things "going missing."
Gilbert B Norman
Member # 1541
 - posted
Best advice; "if you can't carry it, don't bring it".
Member # 3968
 - posted
I have been traveling on Amtrak for over 20 years and have never had anything "go missing" when stored in the lower luggage area. In general, I have always had a sense that Train passengers tend to look out for one another. Also, the more see-able the car attendant, the less monkey business.

Mr. Norman's point is well taken, though, people bring way too much stuff when traveling and give themselves backaches from all that they have to carry.

My motto: "Travel Light!"
Member # 1185
 - posted
Since the station offers checked bagagge, I see no reason while all pieces of luggage, except a carry-on for the sleeper, would not be checked--especially on a trip of this duration. Relax and enjoy, rather than schleppping luggage across the country.
Member # 3785
 - posted
Perhaps someone knows better than I do on this point, but I was under the impression that, if a station handles checked baggage and is therefore supposed to be open when a particular checked-baggage-carrying train comes through, then it will always stay open for that train, no matter how late the train is. After all, Kitty's fears notwithstanding, the station can't simply refuse its obligation to handle checked baggage, whether incoming or outgoing.

If an exception to the practice of keeping the station open for a late train somehow had to be made, the only way in which I can imagine it being carried out would be for the assistant conductor in charge of baggage to individually identify all the disembarking passengers who were going to pick up checked baggage, and instruct them to claim their bags by the side of the baggage car during the station stop; and for the station personnel to leave the outgoing baggage (unprotected) on the platform where the baggage car was supposed to stop, for the assistant conductor to load. But has such a thing ever actually been done? Would it ever be done? I've never heard of it occurring. Does anyone know differently?
train lady
Member # 3920
 - posted
the best thing to do is check with Amtrak. We have been very late on occasion and there was always a baggage handler there to get our baggage.Last month he not only got our baggage (in Alexandria) but drove us out in front in the cart and got a cab for us. Also under the new regulations only 2 bags are allowed carry on. I checked about stations where there is no checked baggage (Bridgeport,Ct being one ) and was told NO EXCEPTIONS.

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