I just got back from a trip aboard the City of New Orleans from Memphis to Chicago Thursday night and the Empire Builder to Portland.
The food on the Empire Builder was the best ever. A truely good crew. This is the 5th trip on the Builder in a year and the second time I drew this car attendant. He is simply lazy. On all the trains I ride when I come back from breakfast the room is made up. It has never been made up with this guy. This time I learned how to do it myself. Another passenger in the same car showed me how it was done and in a minute and a half I was good to go. Same thing in the evening. Nothing to it.
Why this guy will spend 10 minutes telling me how busy he is when it takes a max of 2 minutes to do the job is beyond me.
The train was packed all the way to Whitefish and on time all the way. I really enjoyed the trip bad service and all.
Posted by Mr. Toy (Member # 311) on :
Be sure to give Amtrak this guy's name and the reasons for your displeasure. I've read several reports about one guy on the EB who doesn't make beds. You'd think management would be wise by now.
Posted by palmland (Member # 4344) on :
Haven't made a few beds in my travels, I can understand your frustration. But I think I might force the issue so this guy made my bed even if it was a hassle. Otherwise he is succeeding in training the passengers to do his job.
On our trip we were fortunate to have a good attendent - Celia was her name and she was a star.
Posted by PullmanCo (Member # 1138) on :
When I have a bad attendant, my tip reflects it: $1.
It's the modern equivalent of leaving a penny on the table at a restaurant: They know you remembered the gratuity, and they know how much you thought of them.
I also advocate writing Amtrak. Be sure to mention the train you travelled, the car, and the attendant's name.
Posted by dilly (Member # 1427) on :
quote:Originally posted by wayne72145: Why this guy will spend 10 minutes telling me how busy he is when it takes a max of 2 minutes to do the job is beyond me.
It sounds as if you may have encountered the same "outstanding" Empire Builder employee that I did (and described in the recent "Memorable Car Attendants" thread on this forum).
He was rarely present in the car. On the random occasions when he decided to put in an appearance, he claimed he was "really busy." Too busy, it seems, to make the beds himself, clean the restrooms, make coffee, or even arrive downstairs in time to open the exit door after the train pulled into each station.
As Mr. Toy suggests, you can always complain. After all, Amtrak did send me a polite apology (lucky me). Unfortunately, I suspect it was the only thing they did to fix the problem -- which is why your deadbeat car attendant is probably the same clown I encountered several years ago.
Posted by wayne72145 (Member # 4503) on :
Yes R J is famous by now I'm sure. You discribe him perfectly. I suppose the union keeps his job for him and Amtrak can't do anything about it. He was the same the last time I had him. I'm hoping he'll retire soon. At least next time I will know how to do HIS job and pocket the tip for myself.
Posted by Amtrak207 (Member # 1307) on :
Why don't you fill out one of their customer satisfaction surveys? You have until sometime tomorrow I think to fill it out online or on the phone.
Posted by CoastStarlight99 (Member # 2734) on :
quote:Originally posted by wayne72145: Yes R J is famous by now I'm sure. You discribe him perfectly. I suppose the union keeps his job for him and Amtrak can't do anything about it. He was the same the last time I had him. I'm hoping he'll retire soon. At least next time I will know how to do HIS job and pocket the tip for myself.
It seems this guy is mentioned around here way too often. I thought his name was "George" or something?
I will be on the Empire Builder next Fall...This guy sounds terrible.
Although the TCU (Amtrak Union) protects him, you can still write Amtrak to get some kind of attention. Don't just use the web based contact us form, you should write directly to Amtrak Customer Relations. They may be able to do slightly more.
Posted by wayne72145 (Member # 4503) on :
I filled out the on line form two days ago. I'm sure what I'll get is an "We're sorry" letter. However if Amtrak is aware of this guy and his terrible service and continues to take our money isnt that fraud? No matter, like I said before, now that I know how I'll just do it myself and pocket the tip.
Posted by train lady (Member # 3920) on :
If it happens again just go to the conductor. He is in charge of everything to my understanding. Also I have never written to Amtrak. It is too easy for the letterto "get lost". I have always called customer relations. They type out what you tell them. For our problems with Henry we were sent a travel voucher for $250.
Posted by Cozyharbor (Member # 4868) on :
Sorry to hear your CA was so awful!
Last summer I too had some bad attendents as well as some excellent ones aboard the Lake Shore Ltd and Empire Buidler, and what a difference it makes to have someone good.
As of today, I just arrived in Oregon via the Lake Shore Ltd and the Empire Builder and had excellent attendents on both lines.
On the LSL I had Tommy who was the best ever. He was warm, friendly, helpful, and efficient. In ohter words, he was there when you needed him and disappeared when you didn't.
While transferring at Chicago's Union Station, I needed directions to a particular restaurant in the food court. Just as I was giving up on who to ask, there was Tommy chatting with some colleagues, so I stopped and asked him. He could have just given me directions, but instead walked me there. Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty!
Then aboard the EB I had Dennis as a car attendent and he was great too. We chatted a bit and I learned he has been working for AMTRAK for 24 years and just loves his job. It shows! Like Tommy he was everything you'd want in an attendent.
Both Tommy and Dennis received nice tips which they highly deserved. Why other attendents don't realize that good service equates good tips, I'll never know.
In any case, I'm glad to hear you still enjoyed your trip. I love the EB and this trip is my 3rd.
Posted by Ray S (Member # 3175) on :
I take a cross country trip each summer. I take various routes and have mostly good times and good attendants.
Last year I had a great time except for one attendant and on another train the bedroom was really dirty.
I sent a certified letter to the presidents office with pictures. I stressed and named the people who made my journey more pleasurable. I also complained about the attendant and the dirty bedroom.
I received a call and discussed the good and the bad with a lady for the better part of 15 minutes. She liked the fact that I complimented several employees by name so they might be recognized and apologized for the other problems. Whether that ever happened or I not I do not know.
I will never make my own bed. I will walk the train until I find the attendant and he/she will make up my room. I would have no trouble making he/she uncomfortable in front of others if necessary. I would also seek out the conductor.
Posted by Vicki (Member # 3410) on :
On our City of New Orleans trip in February my husband not only made up our bed he made up the beds for the people in three other rooms. We boarded at 8PM in Chicago, the attendant announced she would be going to bed at 11 and that's the last we saw of her.
Posted by wayne72145 (Member # 4503) on :
I just got off the phone with Amtrak---they are mailing me a voucher $250 for the bad service and they said they were sorry. They also said they were going to forward my complaint. Big deal. Time will tell as I ride the EB often. I believe next time I will talk to the conductor.