For the past few days there has been a story in the Washington Post and on local tv news about a new CFO for Amtrak. It seems they are trying to get the CFO for DC to leave that job and come to Amtrak. Offered salary $250,000 with a huge signing bonus. The District is desperate to keep him so they are having a big meeting tomorrow to see what they can do to keep him from leaving. Also if he goes to Amtrak it is likely that his staff will go too. It seems "they" think he is the person to get Amtrak out of its financial troubles. Stay tuned!!!
Posted by Ocala Mike (Member # 4657) on :
train lady, is he a "Bushie" or a "Non-Bushie?" If the former, I dread the cuts that might be forthcoming.
If the latter, things might be looking up.
What is the story with the current CFO for Amtrak? Is he (she) stepping down or about to be sacked?
Posted by train lady (Member # 3920) on :
Mike, I am not sure. I do remember the article saying he gets along well with Congress,whatever that means!!There has been no mention of the current CFO. You might try going to and check the Thursday paper. I meant to save the article but DH had the paper cut up before I could. I assume there wil be more on the news tomorrow after the meeting. If so I will post the latest here.
Posted by train lady (Member # 3920) on :
addenda, I just checked and found out that if you go to search on the front page and type in Amtrak the article will come up (with others) It is the second one. The man's name is Ghandi. David Smith was the CFO but he left in Dec. also read the comments. They are interesting
Posted by Greg (Member # 66) on :
Here's a link to the story in the Washington Post:
As a one-time resident of the District of Columbia (early to mid 90's), I think it speaks highly of DC CFO Natwar M. Gandhi's capabilities if he's been able to restore credibility to the finances of that city. Those skills could be very useful to Amtrak.
As for the question of "Bushie" or "non-Bushie", that Dr. Ghandi appears to be exceedingly competent, well-respected, and in demand should allow one to answer that question.
Posted by Ocala Mike (Member # 4657) on :
Competence in DC? Oh, were it only true!
He gets my vote.
Posted by George Harris (Member # 2077) on :
quote:Originally posted by Greg: As a one-time resident of the District of Columbia (early to mid 90's), I think it speaks highly of DC CFO Natwar M. Gandhi's capabilities if he's been able to restore credibility to the finances of that city. Those skills could be very useful to Amtrak.
Those skills are just short of miraculous. As a DC area (Virginia side) resident 73-78, 88-90,and part of 95, to describe the normal functioning of the DC government as "third world" in those times would have been an insult to most of the "third world" coutries.
Posted by train lady (Member # 3920) on :
Frankly, George, things haven't changed all that much.
Posted by train lady (Member # 3920) on :
According to today' paper it seems that Mr. Ghani is staying in DC.They have offered him an even higher salary than Amtrak. It still has to pass the City Council but seems to be a nearly done deal. Too bad. It looked like he is what Amtrak needs