Is there a place to find the actually running time between stops on Amtrak? I know the schedule has some padding in the some of the times.
chaslett Member # 1012
I meant actual running time, not actually.
RRRICH Member # 1418
Your best bet is probably from employee timetables for the various railroads over which AMTRAK operates
chaslett Member # 1012
Thanks for the idea. I will see what I can find.
George Harris Member # 2077
Since Amtrak changes their timetables more often than the Employee Timetables, many no longer show the Amtrak schedules at all.
If looking at a major city, normally there is quite a bit of padding after the last stop before it. You can get a good idea of how long the minimum run time between those points is by looking at the time taken in the scheduled for the train leaving the major city.