I did not know that Carter, like Biden, rides Amtrak.
We need leaders like Carter. Leaders need supporters, and Amtrak supporters should puff Carter when they can.
His speech provides a good excuse for writing a letter to your senators and representatives, Dear x: Why are you not supporting Senator Tom Carter's call for investment in Amtrak in his recent Senate speech where he said . . . .[pick anything in the speech]
Core political support exists in this country for major Amtrak expansion and spending. It just hasn't been brought together.
RRRICH Member # 1418
Good starting point, but where does Senator Carter live? In the NORTHEAST CORRIDOR -- how does he feel about the LD's?
(I didn't read the entire speech, so I apologoize if he mentioned the LD's later)
sojourner Member # 3134
Senator is named Carper, not Carter, if someone is doing a search for his office number or the like.