Love the microwave description....I've always wondered the same thing.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
From one who recalls meals aboard virtually new Superliner Diners yet serving the Reagan era microwaved food, I think that the youngster simply "got what he paid for'.
The present Simplified Dining Service initiative has come a long LONG way from the 1983 vintage Dining Car (as distinct from snack bar) microfood.
I note one of the reader's comments suggested the author try the Dining Car; something tells me that suggestion will not be acted upon, as it is more fun to go to the Snack Bar and rant on the web.
Posted by rresor (Member # 128) on :
Actually, the "Am-McMuffins" (breakfast sandwiches) of the Reagan era and before weren't half bag. Hot dogs and pizza, not so good. Why didn't the guy just have a sandwich? Or the cheese/crackers tray? Why didn't he just go to the diner?
I survived a two-week, 8300 mile Amtrak marathon in 1982, eating mostly "Blue Ribbon Chicken Sandwiches" and whatever microwave meals they loaded for dinner, and survived. But after Claytor came on board in the mid-1980s, things got better fast.