In a month the wife and I will be heading out of NYC to Atlanta. With all the news of these critters in hotels, offices and theaters in NYC, I haven't heard anything about them on Amtrak.
Has anyone found any or had issues with them in their Amtrak travels? We'll be in a sleeper.
Thanks in advance.
Joe Urda Groton, NY
Henry Kisor Member # 4776
Gee, Joe, thanks for mentioning this! You're going to make us sleeper passengers imagine things in the small hours of the night. Itch, scratch, scratch.
train lady Member # 3920
well, just take a flashlight and check everything they did find them in the Ronald Readan building here.
Railroad Bob Member # 3508
It is an excellent, timely question; and something I was wondering about myself. I can make two categorical comments about Joe's question--as an onboard Amtraker for over 20 years, and having slept thousands of miles in the crew dorms and revenue sleeper berths, I never encountered any bed bugs personally or had them reported to me by any passengers.
In the few rare incidences of these or any other kind of insect/rodent infestation that came to the attention of the company (during my time there) the offending car was immediately pulled from revenue service at the closest service terminal, and had the condition corrected by professional outside exterminators. My opinion is the traveling public needn't worry about this on these cars, as much as they should in a stationary hotel. Still, it wouldn't hurt to do a "quick visual search" of your bedding, guys! Gotta be a little bit proactive in this bedbug era-- but I never personally encountered any on any Amtrak train. Hope this helps.
smitty195 Member # 5102
I never climb into a bed while traveling (train or hotel) without first pulling the sheets down and looking at everything. For me, that's just a normal thing to do.....I don't want to find out the next day that I was sleeping in "something".
20th Century Member # 2196
We checked all the hotel beds on our last trip. I also tried to observe the mattresses when the Amtrak attendant made up the bedding. No one needs that "little" bonus after a trip.
mr williams Member # 1928
I saw a spider on a train recently - he'd booked his ticket on the WEB!!
RRRICH Member # 1418
Har, har, har, Mr. Williams!!! Good one!!!!!