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Posted by mgt (Member # 5479) on :
As one gets older the memory plays tricks but I am pretty sure the last time I was in Chicago I travelled round the complete inner city loop of the EL without having to change. Am I right? I also remember it was difficult finding out at which station to get on to achieve this. I am sure someone will know the answer.
Does anyone have recollections of travelling on the Electroliners?

Do the Pacific Surfliners exit Union Station in a southerly direction? We want to sit on the best side for views.
Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
Originally posted by mgt:
As one gets older the memory plays tricks but I am pretty sure the last time I was in Chicago I travelled round the complete inner city loop of the EL without having to change. Am I right? I also remember it was difficult finding out at which station to get on to achieve this. I am sure someone will know the answer.

Orange, Brown, or Pink lines. Where is best to get on depends on where you start from! These lines do a return loop around the, well, loop, but other lines pass through one side and continue elsewhere.

Originally posted by mgt:
Do the Pacific Surfliners exit Union Station in a southerly direction? We want to sit on the best side for views.

Unless they've built that track they were thinking of, Union Station is a stub terminus and all trains initially head north (ish). Surfliners to the south effectively do a 180 degree right turn just outside the station to head towards San Diego. So you'd want to be on the right in the direction of travel, even though initially that is the "wrong" side. There are some canyon views to the left before you reach the sea though; this assumes the sea is the main view?!
Posted by Henry Kisor (Member # 4776) on :
My often faulty memory tells me there used to be a train that went round and round the Loop without going anywhere else, but this was taken off quite some time ago, more than a decade, I think.

I haven't been to the Loop since I retired from my job in 2006.

Reminds me of the old Chicago joke:

Q. "Does dis bus go todaLoop?"

A. "No, it goes chug chug."
Posted by Railroad Bob (Member # 3508) on :
RE: The Electroliners-- my early Chicago memories seem to tell me that these neat looking streamline-style cars ran on the "North Shore" Lines...GBN will clear this up if he reads the post; I'm sure he knows more than I about the Electroliners. In all their "art deco" glory-- man, did the country have some swell urban rail systems back in the "day." Still do, but nothing designed by Raymond Loewy is currently running. Well, except for some old Studebakers still out there-
Posted by notelvis (Member # 3071) on :
An Electroliner still exists at the Illinois Railway Museum where they have 5 miles of track under wire (for their trollies). It would be nice to see the Electroliner run again but I'm not sure whether that would be doable or is even a priority.

I rode the Surfliner from LAX to San Diego last month. If you want to be on the ocean side, you'll want to sit on the right side of the train departing Los Angeles as the train departs still as described by Mr. Mayo.
Posted by sbalax (Member # 2801) on :
And if you started your Surfliner journey further North than LAUPT (Say SBA!) you'll want to change sides and ends of the car if riding facing forward is important to you. This used to be pretty easy to do but the trains lately that I've ridden have been crowded.

Frank in sunny and warm SBA
Posted by mgt (Member # 5479) on :
Thanks for that.
We shall be travelling into Chicago from O'Hare, blue line, after an overnight stay in the Elkhorn La Quinta.
To avoid the crowds and hassle we have booked Business class from Los Angeles, which has worked in the past, although the standards of service and accomodation do seem to vary considerably from route to route.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
Mr. MGT, La Quinta Inn Elk Grove Village, vice Elkhorn.

If not already aware, be sure to note that the hotel offers courtesy van service between the property and KORD. For Dinner, should jet lag allow it, there is the Spaghetti Works at NE corner of Busse and Oakton, which should be a walk from the hotel. Not my favorite, but "it's there". While I wish it would have been possible to stay Downtown (River North has all of the mid-range and econo brands), only you know how many Quid would have been available for such.

While I have no personal experience with the La Quinta chain, I have driven by this property on many an occasion (I had when in practice, about five clients within a three mile radius of there), and have no reason to hold it would be anything other than adhering to the chain's "econo-brand" standards.
Posted by smitty195 (Member # 5102) on :
Originally posted by mgt:
We shall be travelling into Chicago from O'Hare, blue line, after an overnight stay in the Elkhorn La Quinta.

If you plan on using the airport shuttle from La Quinta, you might want to read the first few reviews here:

It seems that some guests had lots of problems using it.
Posted by mgt (Member # 5479) on :
Experiences differ. We have used this La Quinta on two occasions, once for several days, and both times were more than happy with the shuttle service. Arriving at the airport all I had to do was call them, their number was certainly displayed three years ago, and the van arrived after a quarter of an hour or so. We were also invited to use the van every morning and evening if we wanted to travel downtown from the airport station. In the morning I have known them call on a larger van to accomodate a large Australian family with an amazing amount of luggage. The somewhat aged Al, one of the drivers, has always been exceptionally helpful, going out of his way to show us how to reach the O'Hare subway station.
The only problem we have had at O'Hare was with the attitude of the lady at the so-called welcome desk who was most patronising in her explanation of the shuttle van system. It is remarkable with how much sarcasm the word "Sir" can be imbued! And that after an 8 1/2 hour flight, the O'Hare stack and being fingerprinted and eye-scanned!
La Quinta has always served us well. A clean, comfortable bed and airy room is all we ask when travelling in the US. When travelling in Europe it is different. We are both linguists and opt then for the smaller Gasthoefe-hauser in Germany/Austria and chambres d'hote in France, where we can savour the local colour.
Thanks Mr Norman. We know Spaghetti Works; not ideal and I think their menu is shrinking, but as you say, "it is there." And rest assured, we are spending a couple of days Downtown. A return visit to the Art Institute is high on the list.
Posted by sojourner (Member # 3134) on :
Can confirm that for the water views you should sit on the right facing forward when you leave Los Angeles southbound, in my experience. But wanted to add: If you like water views, take the Chicago Architecture Foundation's boat tour of the city. It's pretty amazing (including the views of Union Station)! Here is a link:

But am puzzled why you are staying in Elkhorn. Where is Elkhorn? I mean, I know some Elkhorns in the US, but I never heard of Elkhorn Illinois. Note that if you want to switch to Chicago, I think you might be able to get some last-minute hotel deals.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
Ms. Sojourner; Elk Grove Village, vice Elkhorn.

This point was addressed at my immediate posting, and implicitly affirmed by Mr. MGT at his immediate. It also appears that the MGT's have stayed at the noted La Quinta property on previous trips over here.

I drove by the property just yesterday en route to one of my post-retirement clients; "it's there' - and so is Spaghetti Works.

One side of me says why waste a precious evening over here staying at a place that is on the perimeter of an industrial park, but then the flip side is that if you are jet lagged, you're sort of a zombie anyway (veteran overseas traveler, Mr. Harris, previously noted it only gets worse with age - no wonder I have not made an overseas trip since I was age 48), so why not get "un-zombied' at an inexpensive place (not a "dive-inn" to my best knowledge) and save the Quid for something else?
Posted by George Harris (Member # 2077) on :
Originally posted by Geoff Mayo:
Unless they've built that track they were thinking of, Union Station is a stub terminus and all trains initially head north (ish). Surfliners to the south effectively do a 180 degree right turn just outside the station to head towards San Diego. So you'd want to be on the right in the direction of travel, even though initially that is the "wrong" side. There are some canyon views to the left before you reach the sea though; this assumes the sea is the main view?!

The southbound connection is still being thought about. In my opinion it needs some more thinking than it has gotten so far, as it will be very slow, making two 90 degree turns to avoid certain features that the local powers that be want to keep untouched.

Therefore for the foreseeable future, all trains leave Los Angeles Union Station aimed north, with the San Diego trains and the Southwest Chief making a 180 degree turn shortly after departure.
Posted by rresor (Member # 128) on :
Well, the topic has wandered a bit, but let's return to "looping the Loop". When I was a student in Chicago more than 35 years ago, there was a "Loop Shuttle" that circled the inner loop track (clockwise) during off-peak hours. During the peaks, the Evanston Express (now the Purple Line, I think) looped via the inner loop. The Ravenswood Line (Brown line today) circled the outer loop, and the "Lake-Dan Ryan" service ran both ways on the north and east sides.

But that's all changed today. Now the Orange Line (from Midway) circles the inner loop. The Brown still circles the outer loop, as does the Lake service is now Lake/South, I think (not sure what color that is) and runs via the north and east sides of the Loop. Dan Ryan trains now run through the subway as the Red Line.

So if you want to circle the loop, there isn't a single train that does it any more. Best thing to do would be to combine a ride on the Brown Line with a crossover at some point and go the other way on the Orange. By the way, the two junctions (NW and SE corners) are a lot of fun to ride through.
Posted by notelvis (Member # 3071) on :
LaQuinta - My experience puts them in a range above the Super 8/Red Roof Inn type of hotels and more on a par with, say Comfort Suites.

Some are better than others, of course, and the one near KORD described above sounds like one I would be thrilled to see coming off an 8.5 hours flight.
Posted by mgt (Member # 5479) on :
We are now in San Diego.
It tok us 2 1/2 hours to get through immigration at O' Hare, standing on hard marble floors. The La Quinta had deteriorated, we were shewn one uncleaned room and then one already occupied. After that we went to bed without eating!
Downtown Chicago La Quinta was much better. Wonderful time spent in Institute of Art and Museum of Science and Technology.
On Saturday South West Chief left 75 minutes late. We were told because of the atrocious weather earlier on, the crew later blamed recent changes in yard operating procedures. We arrived 4 hours 15 minutes late in Los Angeles. At one point a freight loco was added to our consist because we had been suffering power outages in the train. It was intended to drop this in San Bernadino, but continued to LA , with a change of engineer at Fullerton, much to the Amtrak crew's amazement.
To be continued. Must eat!
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
Mr. MGT, sorry that things didn't work out at the Elk Grove La Quinta; as I noted earlier, all i knew was that "it's there". Now I know it is "dive-inn" and will so advise anyone should I be asked. Fortunately you found the La Quinta property Downtown to be better, but that certainly sends the message that, just like Amtrak, the La Quinta product can best be described as "inconsistent".

Not that I was likely ever to "give 'em a try" insomuch as the roundly 23 nights I'm away from home any year is already spread over four national brands - plus Amtrak. However, this year, two "indies' got in there and two nights that could have been Marriott were with Westin. As a result, I'll lose my Silver standing with Marriott - sob sob.

A chain of any product or service sold to a consumer is only as good as its weakest link. Fortunately, (or "un" depending upon which side of the looking glass you stand) being a monopoly, Amtrak need not be concerned with such petty details.
Posted by mgt (Member # 5479) on :
The delay did not seem to bother too many people, because of the extra time we could spend on the train. It allowed us ample time to view the former Fred Harvey establishment at Barstow,now a Chamber of Commerce, with a very helpful overseer, related to a former Harvey's Girl.
I was surprised at the amount of time we lost on the Sunday afternoon on the stretch of track over which I presume BNSF is no longer running freight trains, we certainly did not encounter any.One reason given for a delay was that a track inspector was preceding us and we would have to wait for an opportunity to overtake. I know maintenance is often ccarried out on Sundays in the UK but there was no sign of any inspection vehicle or even staff. Another delay near Albuquerque was seemingly caused by a Railrunner having precedence. Granted, a line did join us from the right. Would a local service have priority over a very late-running Amtrak service?
With it being Monday morning a few passengers assumed we would encounter heavy freight traffic on Cajon Pass but we passed not a single train until the outskirts of San Bernardino. The traffic on the accompanying road travelling south west was at a standstill in places.
There was an interesting dispute on Sunday between the Cafe Car and Diner. At noon the Cafe attendant announced, by New Mexico law, he could now serve alcohol. Thirty minutes later he announced the conductor had ruled Amtrak did not have a licence to serve alcohol in New Mexico on Sunday, alcohol was off-limits. In the diner I suggested alcohol was unavailable? We know nothing about that was the "blank" reply. We were served alcohol. Likewise at dinner when we were still in New Mexico. I hope I am not being indiscreet here, but I am sure this is not the first time the situation has arisen.
Despite everything it was a very enjoyable journey. The dining car crew and sleeper attendant were all very efficient and helpful without the over-effusiveness which can be uncomfortable. Our meal guests were the usual interesting mix we have become accustomed to; mostly pleasant, with the consolation you will only meet the less interesting ego-centrics once!
Having now experienced and enjoyed, three of the four major cross country-routes I do not think we want to subject ourselves to the longeurs of the Sunset Limited and its treck across Texas,but I have no doubt some of you will disagree. My wife and I are divided on our favourite between the Zephyr and Empire Builder.
We also enjoyed our short trip down the coast on the Pacific Surfliner yesterday. This was also very well patronised.
Thanks to all of you who pitched in with suggestions.
Next stop the Grand Canyon Railway, also in comfort.

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