I got an e-mail today with changes in the AGR program that start in April. Most rewards are going up a bit. My old have, the BC Surfliner is going from 1500 points to 2000. If you are planning on using points you probably should look at booking before the August deadline.
We just booked an HAL coastal on Oosterdam for 19 April. They had such a good deal on very nice suites for this four night cruise we couldn't say no. We are taking the early Surfliner down on the day of the cruise. That will put us in SAN at 12:25PM just in time for 1:00PM boarding and lunch.
Vicki-- I'll be picking your brain on what to expect as "One Star Mariners".
All -- The knee surgery was a piece of cake. In at 9:30AM and out at 1:30PM
Frank in overcast and cool SBA
Posted by notelvis (Member # 3071) on :
I've only just glanced at the notice on the Amtrak website. In regards to first class travel, it looks like redemption points are increasing for Bedrooms but not for roomettes.
Posted by HopefulRailUser (Member # 4513) on :
Right David, the roomettes did not go up.
Frank, be sure to check that Surfliner carefully. You know they run buses sometimes and that would delay you. I personally would go down the day before.
As a One Star Mariner you get nada. But you will like the Ooosterdam. In fact, I will check this out, maybe this is my way to cruise a bit and take the CS home.
Posted by sbalax (Member # 2801) on :
We might change and go down the day before. I prefer, like you, to have some wiggle room. We don't sail until 5:00PM, though, so I think we should be OK.
I see on the HAL website that ALL Mariners can have lunch in the dining room on boarding as well as the buffet. True?
Come on along. We splurged for the SB category Suite so can entertain!
On another cruise topic we have booked Virgin America LAX-FLL for a cruise in May. You'll have to remind me, closer to travel date, about how to look for last minute upgrade ops.
Frank in sunny but cool SBA
Posted by sbalax (Member # 2801) on :
Following your suggestions we've booked in at the Holiday Inn across from the dock for the night before and I changed our Surfliner reservation to the day before. I was very pleasantly surprised by how easy that was to do!
Frank in dark and cool SBA
Posted by sojourner (Member # 3134) on :
Where is the cruise going?
Posted by MDRR (Member # 2992) on :
Frank, regarding the question about DR lunch for Mariners upon boarding, that is generally true, however I have read reports regarding these "shorter cruises" where they cut a few corners here and there, and this may be one item...
Posted by sbalax (Member # 2801) on :
It's just a repositioning cruise -- four nights from SAN to Vancouver with a long port call (10:00AM to 11:00PM) in Port Angeles, WA.
We haven't really seen any corner cutting on the short ones we've done before although we've heard that there will probably not be a Formal Night on this one. That's not a big deal to us -- we are only taking the minimal amount of clothing. Sport coat for dinner, probably no tie. Complimentary laundry and dry cleaning are part of the Suite deal.