Tomorrow I'm going to take a San Joaquin to LA, then board the Sunset Lmitied to San Antonio for a conference. Going go a bit earlier than necessary just to be careful (712), and go get some mu shu pork for dinner, then some pie at Pilippe's for desert. This'll be my first time on the Sunset Limited, so I'm feeling a bit excited. I'll write report when I can.
Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
San Antonio must sees = Alamo, River Walk, Old Missions.
Posted by notelvis (Member # 3071) on :
Have a great trip - can't wait to hear about it.
Posted by RR4me (Member # 6052) on :
Thanks Mike, I'll be staying by the River walk, so that and Alamo right there. I'll check out the Old Missions as well, if close enough.
Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
Look to the south (right hand) side of the train as you approach El Paso, TX for views of the Mexican border just yards from the track.
Posted by smitty195 (Member # 5102) on :
Yes, the views of Mexico from the train are "interesting". I was shocked the first time I saw it. They build shacks, tents, and anything else right along the land up to the river. It's all right there in plain view.
Enjoy your trip! I'm due for another and have enough AGR points to travel in a roomette in two zones. I just need to find the time to do it!
Posted by Railroad Bob (Member # 3508) on :
Sounds like a pleasant trip- the Sunset is generally an easygoing ride, with personnel that CHOOSE to work that route (that is, if they have enough seniority!) I know many of the "sleeper" men were some of the best TA's we had, during my own regular assignments on that train.
My only comment on the colorful city of San Antonio is I had the best (truly) Mexican food in my life there, in a small dive along the Riverwalk at about 1:30 AM one hot summer night.. Cannot remember the name of the joint- other than it was "famous" and open 24 hours; that should be enough to ID the place. Located right in your hotel district; ie. the downtown Riverwalk locale.
The food was so sublime, I felt like I was the DosEquis "most interesting man in the world" - never had food like it, before or since. Some kind of TexMex magic there, for sure...
Posted by Iron Mountain (Member # 12411) on :
My thanks to Mike Smith and RR4me. I have been trying to think of an overnight trip that would not break the bank. You folks inspired me to take a look at San Antonio. I did so and have booked a round trip on the Texas Eagle, sleeper class. I managed a really good fare. Just by changing the date of departure by one day I saved about $200. The rooms were bucket price. The Alamo, River Walk, Fredericksburg wine country, are all on my agenda. We will be there about 5 days. Any other suggestions as to fun and interesting things to do and/or see?
Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
You are welcome, Iron Mountain. Enjoy the trip through the Hill Country of Texas, on your way to Fredericksburg.