It's heartening to see that the national press is passing the word to the larger public about things familiar to us railnerds.
That's a nice interactive graphic, too.
palmland Member # 4344
A picture is worth a thousand words. USA Today seems to have trouble believing anyone would want to read more than two sentences. But still, this is a very concise summary of state support and nice to see.
Glaring holes in the southeast, Texas, Ohio, and Rocky Mountain area are no surprise to any of us. It's clearly the future for Amtrak. As regional service grows, LD trains will make more sense to the unwashed as a way to link all the pieces.
Henry Kisor Member # 4776
On the other hand, "the train chugs to a stop"? Methinks the USAT writers need some new railroad cliches.
Ocala Mike Member # 4657
Totally agree, Henry. When I told my old-timer boss at the race track that I was taking Amtrak up and back to Saratoga (this was in the late 80's), he told everyone that I was taking the "rattler."