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Posted by palmland (Member # 4344) on :
From I recall riding the UP City of Denver but it used a cut off via Julesburg to LaSalle, CO. It saved some 90 miles from going on into Cheyenne and down. Wonder what happened to it?
DENVER – Riders on Amtrak's California Zephyr were treated to a surprise routing over the weekend when a BNSF Railway derailment in eastern Colorado forced the passenger carrier to route this popular train over Union Pacific rails between Denver and Omaha, Neb. The UP route, via Cheyenne, Wyo., and North Platte, Neb., rarely sees passenger trains.

Westbound train No. 5 departing in Chicago on Saturday, and eastbound train No. 6 departing in Emeryville, Calif., Friday were the only departures to use the detour, according to Amtrak spokesman Marc Magliari.

The BNSF derailment occurred at Wray, about 170 miles east of Denver and 90 miles west of McCook, Neb. Empty equipment train BRBBWSP423 derailed six cars while departing Wray at 12:20 p.m. The line has since reopened.
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
That is the first I have ever heard of an Overland Route detour West of Omaha in 43 some years of following Amtrak affairs. Why the direct 'City of Denver' rpoute was not used, who knows.
Posted by daniel3197 (Member # 27) on :
This North Platte -- Kearney--Grand Island detour of both Amtrak Trains 5 and 6 has happened before . This was on 7-7 of 2012 (July 7, 2012) as well as 2-1-14 (just now). Unknown to me prior to July 2012 this has even happened a few times prior to 7 of 2012 -- AMAZINGLY to me as well with the very BUSY BUSY BUSY freight traffic on the triple track .

The City of Denver route via Sterling CO to La Salle CO has been removed west of Fort Morgan CO. This is why these detours operated on the UP via Cheyenne WY. Viewing Google Maps Satellite it appears a few live potential alternatives still exist. These trains could have used the normal BN Brush Subdivision Denver--Ft Morgan--Sterling--Sidney NE to connect to the UP Overland Route mainline. The former UP - direct- from Sterling CO to Julesburg CO looks to be intact, who knows if that piece is still FRA legal for live passenger trains anyways ??? The Sterling to Sidney line should be FRA passenger legal as this is THE Powder River Coal corridor to and from (northwest) Texas.

This is a favorite detour of mine to watch as it uses the major UP Triple Track main from North Platte to Gibbon NE. The UP main is 4 Tracks (QUAD Track ) from Sutherland NE to North Platte. This is the Busisest Rail freight corridor in the World as I understand it -- WOW !!
--- Daniel

Here is a post from that Trainorders website with other past years that this AMAZING detour has been done :


Date: 07/07/12 16:37
Re: Amtrak #5 and #6 Detouring over UP - ODD TIMINGS
Author: brc600
Amtrak has detoured over UP through North Platte several times--1988, 1989, 1999-2002, and a few times in between. I have several photos of Amtrak on the UP over the years! Tim Vana/Omaha, NE
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on :
Interesting to learn, Daniel, that the UP yanked 52 miles of track out of what I thought would be an important route for handling traffic routed from North Platte to Denver thence over the former D&RGW (route of the Zephyr).

But then, who am I to tell Uncle Pete how to run MY road? I'll just sit back and watch my long UNP position grow (and it did, even during January).

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