We'll be leaving East Lansing for California in 2 weeks, and are looking forward to the trip, especially my wife. I was concerned about the OTP of the Texas Eagle lately due to all the flooding in Texas, but according to the AMTRAK web site, train 21 has been a couple hours late into San Antonio every night lately, but 421 has been arriving in LAX early lately (of course, the 4-hr scheduled layover in SAS does not hurt the OTP of 421!)
I am concerned about #6 arriving in Chicago -- it's arrived a couple hours late lately, and we are ticketed on the 4 PM Blue Water on the same day back to Michigan -- I guess we'll have to settle for AMTRAK putting us up for the night, then taking a morning Wolverine to Battle Creek the next day, and the thruway bus to the NEW East Lansing station then.......