While the San Francisco-LA "sleeperbus" appears to have faded away during COVID, The New York Times reports that a new service between Wash and Nashville has begun.
Fair Use:
“It’s meant to feel like a private jet experience,” said Chad Scarborough, the company’s founder and chief executive. “Hence the name the Jet.”
Somehow, I doubt if this will begin to compare with airline Business Class and its "Open Roomette". This to me looks more like an "Open Double Slumbercoach".
Posted by George Harris (Member # 2077) on 10-24-2022 05:32 PM:
My first thought is, "Why Nashville?
Posted by Gilbert B Norman (Member # 1541) on 10-25-2022 05:41 AM:
2.01M "peeps" within the MSA; ease of entry and exit from the market.
Even if the 81 is not known as a pleasant driving experience (trucks), it is rather direct from the DC area: 66-81-40.
Who knows to what extent that Amtrak goes nowhere near Nashville and likely never will again was a factor in selecting that route?
Nashville is really not on my "favorites; must visit". To me, hotels are absurdly overpriced and hard to get into - and for what?
I do have good friends who reside in the area. When I visit (not since '19; wonder why?), even though there is an Italian restaurant near Vanderbilt we all like (survived COVID), I just stay at an Express in Antioch, which can still be $200ni - they can do the driving to/from there.
Finally Mr. Harris, would you be about to ride if it were extended to Memphis?