In a word or I should say 3....Microsoft Train Simulator....try it!
Posted by Geoff Mayo (Member # 153) on :
Initially good but boring and frustrating after a while. The editors they harp on about in the ads are absolutely terrible, eating memory, crashing, buggy,... The signalling is not correct (on the UK and US lines at least), meaning you can get a green signal for high speed running and then find you're on a diverging route at low speed, you've derailed, and game over. and other MSTS forums can give more info.
Geoff M.
Posted by DC2001 (Member # 542) on :
I just bought this game a few days ago. It's looks really impressive. I've completed a few activities, but several times I've derailed for no obvious (to me, at least) reason, coupled too hard, or ran a read signal ending the game.
A couple things I didn't like. I've ran through (sharp looking) turnouts at 50+ mph with tri-level Auto-racks with no problem, when I fully expected to derail. Also, the first other train I saw on the Northeast Corridor was a P42 Genesis leading a solid set of 5-6 Superliner Sightseer Lounge cars! For all the other details they got right, that one is almost funny.
I haven't really tried the editors yet, but I'd love to do some things with them. I noticed several "expansion" packages are out now for Train Simulator. Anyone tried them yet?
Posted by Eric (Member # 674) on :
DC2001, There's a button you can press which "turns off" the derailments. I've rocketed down Marias Pass (25MPH zone) in my Dash 9 at 174 MPH! It's pretty fun!
Posted by Amtrak207 (Member # 1307) on :
Be sure to register your copy and check for updates. I, uh, tried the software over the summer (Of course I intend to buy it, especially because people are coming out with F40 patches) and it would automatically derail a minute into one of the scenarios, others didn't work at all, and the thing self destructed in a month. I'd assume it was because it was unregistered. Microsoft rules the planet for a reason, I guess. In general I think it's a good sim; the alerter is annoying so off it goes. The Genesis locos look bad; the geometry is just wrong. Also, the "horn" for the Acela express sounds like crap whereas they spent time getting the one on an orange-and-green dash nine right. My $.02
------------------ In memory of F40PH #757099-8 March 29, 1976-November 18, 2001
Posted by Mike Rhoadarmer (Member # 1379) on :
In response to the comments left by member geoffm, I can only say that I could not agree with him more. When I first bought the gameit took me 7 times to get it loaded, one of which it locked-up my computor so bad I had to resort to running the orriginal configuration/ restore disk that came with the machine. Even the so-called resque disks that I had made would'nt get it to boot. After it was finally installed I found that I tired of the very repetitive game play in less time that it took me to install the game. While the game does some have some redeeming features I don't think that it was worth the frustration of installation or the ourchase price. The game is still installed on my computor ( I'm half afraid to try to un-install it ) and I do play it on occasion, but over-all I would'nt recomend it to anyone.