The Track that was replaced was filthy old bumpy falling apart track! Back when I saw that i pretty much couldn't sell my other engines the C44's, i decided to just replace the bad track that was causing the derailing! I replaced them with FlexTrack and i bent them into curves, fit them down perfectly and nailed them in. All done and it looks and works far better! It was a bit challenging and fun but well worth doing. My C44 powered Engines work flawless now but the Dummy still doesn't like it so that im selling and i want to get rid of it so its staying up for sale. All of my next Dummy engines will only be 8 wheelers, not the 12 wheeler ones. as for the other crappy track that was replaced, i just threw it all out. still a few places with the regular snap track but with no problems. Sucess at last!!!!!!!!! Oh and im going to make a website soon and make pictures of the layout and table.