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Posted by MPALMER (Member # 125) on :

I have just set up a G Gauge layout outdoors, maybe 60' of track. When I connected the power pack to the track, nothing happens...engine won't start/move.

I have run the trains on small indoor loops before, so as far as I know the equipment and track and power line are ok.

Requesting advice...where do I start to find out why the train won't run? Is 60' too much track for one train/one power pack?



Posted by Challenger (Member # 1298) on :
There are many things that could be the cause of the problem. But first lets start with the simple stuff and work up.

The first thing I would check is that you have your track connected to the correct terminals on the Power Pack. The proper terminals commonly read "Variable DC" or "DC Track." Alot of the reasons as to why trains dont often move is they have the power hooked up to the Terminal that reads "AC Accessories" This even happends to old hats like my self.

That is my thought for now. Try that. If it doesnt work. I will try to think of another answer.

Posted by MPALMER (Member # 125) on :

Thanks. Yes I checked that; it is connected to the DC-track section at the back of the transformer.

When I plug in the transformer by itself, it clearly is "on" and the indicator light gets brighter as the throttle gets turned up.

When I connect the two screw-on track contacts to the rails, the indicator light immediately goes out.


Posted by Shaun CN (Member # 2366) on :
I have no experience with G gauge train but i do model HO. you may have a problem with the terminal section of track(the part that the wires hook up to) yo may wnat to replace this section of track. Thats all I can think of right now. Keep model railroadind alive!!
Posted by Mike Smith (Member # 447) on :
My best guess would be a short across your track. A few times, I've had similar symptoms with my power pack and found a nail or bobby pin across my track.

Good luck.

Posted by MPALMER (Member # 125) on : turns out the reversing loops are causing the problems. I did not think of that.

One needs to isolate track sections, reverse polarity, etc.

I'll have to revert to a standard loop for now...
Thanks to all who replied


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