Thank you for your help!!
All of the U-Boats were retired from ATSF and BN long before the merger. (BN got rid of the last of theirs in 1991) There were some of the Santa Fe rebuilt SF30Cs (Rebuilt from the U30Cs) at merger. But at last report they have iether been put in storage, or deactivated. They wore the "Patch" scheme wich is just the old Yellow and Blue Bonnet Santa Fe paint scheme with the cab numbers painted over and BNSF put over it with the new number posted beneath.
BNSF still rosters several old C30-7 and C36-7s of BN decent, which look similar to the U-Boat series. Most are in patch paint schmes but the few that have been repainted sport Heritage I schemes. The majority of these units are now in the "Surgfleet" and spend most of their time in storage in places like Alliance NE. Kansas City MO, and Barstow CA.
Glad I could be of assitsance.
Fellow BNSF (as well as several others) Modeler
James R. Mitich
Tahnk you for your help!!
Unforutunatly CN is not one of the primary roads that I model. However, I do have one CN GP-7 to man the interchange with the Great Northern on one of my layouts. (GN and CN had an obscure interchange in Southern BC) The list of the Railroads I model and the reasons I model them in parentheses are 1950 UP (Extensive Post WWII Traffic and Gray Hound Scheme Passenger Engines), 1967-1970 GN (The "Big Sky Blue" era) 1972 UP (A big transistion year on Uncle Pete's lines.) 1976 BN. (Their Eclectic Collection of Fist and Second Generation Diesle Motive Power and losts of Special Bi-Centenial related trains. Not least of which include The Freedom Train SP-4449) and Finally, Present Day BNSF-UP Powder River Basin Wyoming operations. (I live there) I also have models of Amtrak's "Auto Train" and CSX's "Tropicanna Juice Train" just because of their high cool factor.
My recent interests have become taken with the possibility of Modeling the SP in N Scale. What time frame and locality has yet to materialise yet. But Im looking into it.
Now for your U-Boat. If its a U-30C. You possibly model the retired BN loco now at the Illinois Railroad Museum. They maintain this locomotive in operating condition and use it to run special "Photo Frieghts" and loan it out for excursions. I believe the number is 5605 but you should probably do some research on it to make sure. (Contacting the Museum would be a good place to start) If it is not a U30C I would check out the photo archive places and see if there are any Short lines, or industrial outfits who obtained these locos second hand near your modeling location that are using them and model after that. Then of course if you want to go ahead and model it in Pre-merger paint as you suggest. That would be good to.
Glad I could once again be of assistance.
Your modeling comrad.
James R. Mitich
Thank you for your help.