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Posted by vb (Member # 2262) on :
Can I please have some feedback on the computer programs that are out there in regards to 1) keeping track of my train inventory and 2) running my dcc trains? Thanks.
Posted by Challenger (Member # 1298) on :
I use the simple microsoft works database feature to keep track of my model trains. Its easy to set up and use, comes in most computers, and can be configured exactly to the parameters you wish to track.

As for the DCC operations program, I have not a clue.


Posted by Joe Kocsis,MMR (Member # 2904) on :
Originally posted by vb:
Can I please have some feedback on the computer programs that are out there in regards to 1) keeping track of my train inventory and 2) running my dcc trains? Thanks.


Posted by Joe Kocsis,MMR (Member # 2904) on :
Originally posted by Joe Kocsis,MMR:

[This message has been edited by Joe Kocsis,MMR (edited 11-23-2003).]

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