My nephew and I recently started to hobby N scale together.He is 11 and I'm 26.He lives with me and my wife cause of tragic situations in his life.Anyhow,I have a bunch of N scale trains from when I was a kid and I gave them to him.He wants to build a table this weekend so I am going to get the wood tonight.
We are putting it up in his room.2.5'x13.5'. That should be plenty of room and it wont be in the way of any windows.
Last night we sat down and measured a model house for his railroad.He took balsa wood and cut everything exact and glued it together using a small clamp to hold it.I admit it looks good for a beginner. I ordered some doors and such for him to update this house with.
He wants to go on. So here is what I would like info on. We are doing the model's in 1951.Thats the year he picked and lucky for him thats the era that I collected.We are going to do it in a midwest theme. So if anyone has any drawings or knows of a site that has them please let me know so I can print them out for him. Thanks, Eric
Challenger Member # 1298
You are in luck. There are a myriad of bulding plans available. Get several issiues of your favorite model railroading magazines. Chances are that they will have at least one building plan in each issiue. Then you can take the plans and reduce them in a photocopier to fit the scale. Due to the inherent inacuracies in alot of photocopiers, I highly reccomend that you take a scale rule and double check the lengths to make sure they come out right. I dont know all the reduction ratios. But to reduce an HO scale plan to N it needs to be reduced to 64%.
Glad I could be of assistance.
chiak47 Member # 2338
I got a subscription to model railroader today. Are there any websites that offer free plans?I searched it and came up with nothing.Maybe someone has a gem?
I just got back from a crap hobby shop with a bunch of supplies.And we are just itching to get into building something.
Challenger Member # 1298
I have not come acoss any web sites with bulding plans available. I will keep a look out through and drop a posting here with the link if I find a site.
There is an article in the March Railroad Model craftsman that coveres how to build a coal/salt company out of corrugated siding. Its a nice simple project that shouldn't be to hard for the budding scratch builder.
shamus Member # 657
Hi Eric, I have on my website an article (Just click the logo)on scratchbuilding a small structure. Whilst it is for H0, you can just printout the drawing and make a 50% reduction of it for N-scale.
Hope it's of some use.
[This message has been edited by shamus (edited 02-28-2003).]
chiak47 Member # 2338
Thanks shamus. Ive been to your site beforeBTW nice layout.
I think it is down now.I'll check it later.
Challenger-I wish I heard of Railroad Model craftsman before I signed up for model railroader(re-to many ads). Thanks for the feedback-Bring more....