OK; this is admittedly fantasy; Hillary did not win in '16. But let's say she did, and in the final year of her term, and wanting another, she was confronted with the Coronavirus crisis presently enveloping us.
Would she have "had it in her" to act as early as New Year's Day, to do all the President is empowered to "batten down the hatches"? This meaning to immediately close all Ports of Entry, seize any foreign flagged vessel (cruise ships to be used as quarantine facilities for repatriated citizens and "landed" residents), dig into her Rolodex of her foreign contacts to secure cooperation, and lean upon state Governors to close facilities where the virus could spread.
In short, emulate the "success stories", such as New Zeeland, and however painful control the spread. Had that been done, I believe our service economy would not have been devastated to the extent it has.
And finally, having done what I immediately outlined, could have she decisively won re-election?
George Harris Member # 2077
Remember when Trump first put restrictions on travel from China how he was called "racist" and everything else and at that time the powers that be in several of the Democratic party run cities said in essence, "get out and party, go to Chinatown, etc."? No, I think if Hillary had won we would be far worse off. And then, remember Cuomo sending the elderly sick to nursing homes?
By now, if you want a picture in a definition of "sore loser", you would see the face of Hillary Clinton.
Jerome Nicholson Member # 3116
Perhaps if Trump had also shut the door on Europe also as experts advised him to, he would not have been called racist for it. You might have seen on the news the scene at JFK with people coming in from Europe, where the virus was also rampant, crammed together like cattle in a stockyard. But Trump didn't close Europe because it would hurt the economy. I don't know how Hillary would have handled it, but Trump gets a solid F.