quote:… Chrystia Freeland, former deputy prime minister under Trudeau, warned that Trump poses a direct “threat” to Canada’s sovereignty by saying that the country could potentially become the 51st U.S. state.
Trump has said that Canada is “not viable as a country” without U.S. trade.
Freeland proposed forming stronger defense ties with France and Britain, as their nuclear arsenals could aid Canada “at a time when the United States can pose a threat.” …
The woman was a piece of work demagogue while in office as deputy prime minister (she is looking to claim the job her former boss currently holds), but she is just as bad if not worse out of it. Not that opposition Pierre Poilievre is much better, mind you; they all seem to take the “fifty-first state” wisecrack way too seriously.
The notion of using Britain’s nukes offensively against the USA is something that all Britons ought to regard as unthinkable, to boot. Freeland is hinting at diabolical things and ought to be thrown out of her party; it’s even worse if her words actually reflect a majority of her party members.
George Harris Member # 2077
News flash to the Canadians: We like you being another country. Interestingly, I know a couple Canadian refugees that have somehow ended up in Mississippi. (They are legal, and I think by now US citizens.) They have no interest whatsoever in moving back to Canada. About 35 years ago my boss was a Canadian. A few years before that he had been offered a short term assignment in Sydney and turned it down. The people I heard it from were having a good laugh at his expense. The company was meaning Australia. He was thinking Nova Scotia. In other words, he was not going back to Canada.